BRAVO! For Barrett!


New member
In their American Rifleman ad this month, they are carrying the message that due to California's banning of the .50 BMG for citizens, Barrett will no longer sell to or SERVICE guns from any.......GOVERNMENT AGENCY.... in California.

I wish they made a lot of other stuff so I could buy it to say "thanks" for that statement.

:) :) :)


Barret has been posting that same reference since the Kalifornia Legislature passed the .50 cal. ban.:)


New member
When I heard about this, I decided that once I move out of this forsaken state, I will purchase a Barrett, as opposed to their competitors if for no other reason than to give my money to a company that actually had the balls to do what he is doing. If all companies did this, things would change...FAST.

And please spare me the whole "vote them out of office" rhetoric. No matter what, it will take a miracle to change the political realities of this state when it comes to the 2A.


New member
Yeah, if I had a few thousand bucks laying around, I'd buy one of their rifles strictly on principle.

I'd like to see other gun manufacturers follow suit, so maybe they would apply enough pressure to get CA law enforcement agencies to grow a spine in terms of standing up for the public's Second Amendment rights. I'd like to think I'm pro-law enforcement, but most CA agencies don't seem to be going to bat when it comes to people's gun rights.


New member
I think they made an upstanding decision. I will support them with my pocketbook whenever I actually get in the market for a .50.


New member

Are they the one that came out with a belt fed upper fer a /an AR type rifle?
more to em than .50s.
but I am in the same boat as far as cash on hand at present.
We all shouls boycott major parts of govt.:rolleyes: