Brass that doesnt have to be resized?


New member
I saw ammo one time, it was a casing, with a brass headstamp...but fr m the but up, the walls, neck and mouth were all made from some sort of moly compound. It came in numerous colors to identify different loads, and said the casing would never require resizing, annealing, trimming or tumbling. Wow...anyone else hear of this. I saw it months ago and thats the only time. Maybe its a POS hah
Rh..just looked around for alittle, couldnt find it. OH well...anyone else hear of it?

arizona hunter

New member
Cool. I did notice though that at Ammo Bank, they say these cases cannot be reloaded and are not reccomended in AK type actions or in rifles with "fluted chambers".


New member
I guess if you can't reload it, it never would need sizing, tumbling, trimming, annealing, etc......moving to the er, um, factory ammo forum?


New member
Yup, PCA stands for Plastic Cased Ammunition.

And don't say to me CAN'T, cuz I did it. It reloads the same as any brass cased ammo. I run it through a FL die, seated a new primer, charged an appropriate charge of powder, and seated a bullet. Problem is, the neck don't "TAKE" the resize, it don't grip the bullet at all. I could pull the bullet out with my fingers. That would mean the bullet would likely unseat whan chambered in a semi-auto. It may also squib fire in a bolt or single shot, because one thing neck tension does is hold the bullet long enough for the powder to ignite. I never fired the couple I reloaded, just had to try it.

When made, the bullet had the case formed around the bullet. It had a good grip on it. There's a ledge under where the bullet was in the neck, so it couldn't be driven deeper into the neck.