Brass source


New member
Where can I buy some reasonably priced brass. 40 or 45 Once fired of course.

You're in the right place right here. A few weeks back I posted a thread looking for 380 ACP, not picky about cleanliness or once fired. I wanted around 500 to get me started.

Between This forum and two others, and our forum buddies, I soon had TWO FREAKIN THOUSAND, on the way! Cost was negligible, some even being FREE! I did a little trading for some also. It was fun, I met some new stand up dudes, and now have enough brass that I don't mind losing a few. jd


New member
I was going to ask what your main reason for requiring "once fired", and just how will you tell if they are? jd


New member
I was going to ask what your main reason for requiring "once fired", and just how will you tell if they are? jd

A google search showed ads for "once fired" and I have no idea how to tell other than the sellers claim

BTW, thanks for the referral to the classifieds


New member
I have no idea how to tell other than the sellers claim

Yeah, you pretty much have to assume the seller is honest. Forum classifieds is a great place to look. Tons of guys sell their extras there.


New member
Where can I buy some reasonably priced brass. 40 or 45 Once fired of course.

Not sure how it is in your area but here in DFW Craigslist is pretty easy. Do a search for "reloading brass". I just tried it for grins and got several sources. 45 ACP should be pretty easy and 40 S&W is everywhere.

Hope this helps!


New member
I have traded brass that I don't load for supposedly once fired from a few different forum classified with reasonably good results. A few shipments came in that had very questionable brass as far as "once fired". I sort it good and chuck some. I also have cleaned out my closets and came up with some good stuff that I haven't used in years and put it up for trade for brass and have done really well. I have 1000s of cases now, in all the calibers that I load for with the only cash being shelled out was for shipping.