Brand Spanking New Pistol


New member
Picked up the FN Five-Seven today. Haven't shot it yet, but it sure is light and looks real nice too. Boy is ammo expensive for these puppies!




New member
Always wanted one. Seems like it would be fun. :cool:. I remember a thread some time ago where someone said they were able to find ammo for it cheap from some guy on the FN forums.


New member
It is nice that it holds 20 rounds per magazine, it also comes with three magazines and a fired shell case.

It won't shoot without a magazine inserted, which I don't like, but it isn't that big of a deal. I noticed right away the polymer feels harder and cheaper than that of my other polymer pistols. But it is very light by comparison as well. Take down and cleaning are really easy.

I ordered 500 rounds of the Hollow Point 27 Grain SS195LF to start with...

Does anyone have any ammunition recommendations? There appear to be a number of different rounds for this pistol.


New member
Nice photos. This gun is loads of fun to shoot. I buy ammo at gun shows, where it is usually chaeper than on-line or in shops.

Recoil is light, but the gun can be loud. I always douple up on hearing protection with the 5.7. Enjoy.


New member
I really love the 5.7. If someone has a big budget but is very recoil sensitive---this is probably the best gun on the market. It shoots like a 22LR....

Now, just sit back and wait for someone to say the round is a terrible choice for SD and that it's a terrorist gun... :rolleyes:


New member
I'd be interested to read how you like it. It's a fascinating weapon.
I've read/watched a lot about them, but mostly people focus on the new cartridge, and don't spend a lot of time on anything else.
How are the the ergonomics, trigger, ease of maintenance etc. and how does it compare to other guns.
If it was a 9mm or a .45 would it still be a good gun?
Very cool gun.
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I think the reason it's so popular in discussion is the uniqueness of the gun and the myths around the cartridge. If you are recoil sensitive (but how many new shooters are willing to pony up 1000$), then it's not a bad option for use. I'm really curious to see how the cartridge even compares to 9mm in a real world test.


New member
This is a gun I have considered buying although I havent found one to rent and try... Id love to hear what you think of its performance at the range... Neat pistol!


New member
Just got back from the range. Still a work in progress I guess. I didn't have the right tools with me to adjust the sights, so I was shooting to the left the entire session.

Had three double feeds which wasn't impressive.

Recoil is very light and it isn't as loud as I expected, very tolerable. Once I get the sights adjusted to my liking I think I'll be driving tacks with this one. I only put around 70 or so rounds down range. However, I really like the light recoil of the round.

I did a lot better with my newly scoped 10/22. I put a Leupold rim fire scope on my 1970 10/22 and I shot an EXTREMELY tight 75 foot group around the X-ring. I always remembered this rifle as being extremely accurate. However, even I was surprised by the tight litte group I was able to achieve, even with some minor scope adjustments throughout the session.

Edited to add: I just had to post a picture of the 10/22 target. You can see the groupings as I made adjustments. None of them were bad or far off the X ring.
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New member
A handloader blew one up last Friday at the range I frequent.

I had just left and my LEO friend showed up. It appears the handloader had double charged/overcharged one round and it blew the gun up like a hand grenade.

My bud got hit by a piece of shrapnel and the owner got bloody fingers and the guy on his right got peppered in the face.

The majority of the force was directed downward.

The barrel was not bulged so it does not look like a round failed to clear the muzzle.

The case was separated at the base but the primer did not appear flattened.

It is possibly bad brass but in any event a $1400 handgun was turned into small pieces.

Fortunately, the RO's turned to and bandaged up two people and cleaned the mess up.

This is not meant to rain on your parade, but if ammunition for this particular gun is really expensive and you decide to handload, you really need to be careful.

I was over at my friend's house last night to celebrate his birthday and he showed me the piece that hit him. It was less than .5X.75 inch.

It was NOT a happy day for the gun owner.



New member
Were they in the same mag or was it consistent through the 70 rounds?

I only used the one magazine for the entire session, so a magazine issue is entirely possible. It was kind of spur of the moment as I found a reasonably close LGS that had some ammo, if a bit on the expensive side. Actually, the way the rounds were malfed up in the chamber I highly suspect the magazine.

This is not meant to rain on your parade, but if ammunition for this particular gun is really expensive and you decide to handload, you really need to be careful.

I hear you, I picked up and saved all of my brass with just that idea in mind. I've not even looked for components yet though.