Brain-Wiz’s In PNW


New member
Don't know if this is National news yet.

Two neighbors in the Mt Saint Helens region of Oregon went golfing last week. After golfing they went to a bar to drink. On the drive home they got into and argument. When they got home (they lived next door to each other) one grabbed a gun and went looking for his "neighbor" the neighbor end up confronting him with a sword. We all know what happens when you bring a sword to a knife fight. Needs less to say he shot and killed his neighbor.

This is the kind of brainless crap that keeps giving us bad reps.

I really can't even conceive of shooting someone, that is a friend for an argument.


Evan Thomas

New member
This is the kind of brainless crap that keeps giving us bad reps.

Who us? Golfers? Drunks? :rolleyes: Seriously, I find it a bit disturbing that, for many people here, this is the first thing they think of when yet another stupid, pointless shooting is reported. Someone is dead, someone else's life is, if not forfeit, pretty much down the tubes, two families are damaged forever, and we're worried that it makes us look bad?

Not trying to single you out here, comn-cents, but this has been bothering me for a while now. I don't think this reaction presents us in the best light, either.


New member

You make a great point. This is why I belong to this site, . My focus of the story was off. But I feel that it makes us humans look like a bunch of animals.
As you stated over an argument among "friends" many lives have changed. Guess I don't understand their way of thinking or handling a disagreement.
Thanks for your thoughts and putting things in perspective.


Evan Thomas

New member
But I feel that it makes us humans look like a bunch of animals.

Yes, it does -- of course, we basically are a bunch of overdressed, occasionally-capable-of-thought animals... but it's one of the better parts of our human/animal nature that we can have these conversations, Carl. :)

This is why I belong to this site

Yah, me too.