Brady's talking about Delaware --- check it out!

Garand Illusion

New member
Brady's fighting CCW in Deleaware

Some more beauties. Do they have no proof readers and/or anyone who's taken a class in logic?

“Putting a concealed handgun inside the jacket of anyone who doesn’t have a felony conviction is reckless public policy.”

Yeah ... only people with felony convictions should have handguns. Which is kind of the effect of the laws they propose, though not the intent.

“Common sense tells us that loaded, hidden guns don’t belong in large crowds, on crowded buses and in daycare centers,” Sarah Brady said.

Reading the newspapers tells us that these are EXACTLY the places we want guns in the hands of responsible people. With badges is the best, but cops can't be everywhere.

“It’s inherently dangerous to have a loaded, hidden handgun in your pocket, and people should have a valid reason for having one, and a judge should be able to say no if he or she thinks someone’s a slice short of a full loaf,” Jim Brady said.

I kind of agree with the last part ... the problem in every may issue jurisdiction out there the judges (or whoever) may choices based on their political feelings and mood.

The statistics following it look like absolute lies; no idea where they got such junk (defies everything I've ever seen AND common sense) so there's no way I'm going to post them here.


New member
Ronald Reagan forgave Hinkley, and also said he was a confused young man.

Ronald Reagan was an incredble man, who believed in freedom and our shinning city on the hill.

Jim Brady and bunch never represent any of those things. Brady=fear,lies, and insecurity.


New member
I give Delaware a lot of credit for sticking to it`s guns (no pun intended). With the exception of the great state of PA to the north, DE is flanked by two socialist paradises (MD and NJ). It`s hard to believe it has lasted this long, and yet it is making positive strides.

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.


New member
Mrs Brady should spend her time crusading against evil Joe Camel as it is my understanding that she is fighting a serious respitory problem caused by smoking.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
“It’s inherently dangerous to have a loaded, hidden handgun in your pocket, and people should have a valid reason for having one, and a judge should be able to say no if he or she thinks someone’s a slice short of a full loaf,” Jim Brady said.

Somewhere far beyond the grave, George III is laughing himself silly. The "rebellious" American colonists have outdone the old king himself in arrogant stupidity.


“It’s inherently dangerous to have a loaded, hidden handgun in your pocket, and people should have a valid reason for having one, and a judge should be able to say no if he or she thinks someone’s a slice short of a full loaf,” Jim Brady said.
And after that, we'll need a judge's permission to own guns. Then knives. Then internet connections.

Under Brady rule, at the beginning of each day, we'd submit a list of planned activities to the government, along with needed tools. If approved, we'd get to check out the requested tools from a government bunker. Overdue tools = jail. We'd be monitored by the ever-increasing number of public safety cameras, and if we deviated from our plan...

Mr. and Mrs. Brady, go find another country to ruin. This one's bad enough already.


New member
You guys don't think that Sarah Brady actually believes her own crap do you? Anyone smart enough to stay in the public eye this long can't be stupid enough to buy into this kind of logic. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are stupid enough to do so and willing to send money to the Bradys and provide them with political power. After all, that is what it is all really about isn't it, money and power.