Brady's death


New member
By now, I'm sure most of you have read on your computers or heard from other sources that Jim Brady passed away.

Do you think this will take any of the wind out of Sarah Brady's campaigning for gun control, or was he just a figurehead, so to speak? Obviously, his name was used to good advantage by the antis, and I hope that he doesn't become some kind of martyr for their cause.


New member
Condolences to the family; while we may vehemently disagree on this issue, I hope they find comfort in their grief.

I doubt this will affect much of anything. The Brady Campaign really hasn't been at the forefront of gun control lately; that seems to be handled by Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action at the moment. James Brady's own suffering as a booster for the cause ran out of gas at least 20 years ago, if not 30 (his wounds were suffered in 1981... that's practically forever ago). The focal point of the Brady Campaign was originally handguns (as per their original name of Handgun Control Inc.)... that's shifted to the so called "assault" weapons (really, more guns that some people find scary than anything else) since the 90s.

Things will continue on as they have been.


New member
I believe Technosavant has it exactly right. His passing will have very little, if any, affect on the groups campaign. His name will continue to be invoked as proof of the need for more gun control.
His passing will have very little, if any, affect on the groups campaign.
He was never personally active in their efforts. I know of no major statements from him on the issue.

He sat next to President Clinton during the signing of the Brady Act, but that's about the only public appearance I know of him making.


New member
Sorry to read of the passing of almost anyone.

It was always my understanding the Bray's wife was more active in running their organization. So I doubt there will be much of a change.
Brady starts speaking at about 35 second mark.

None of the articles I've scanned have said Brady had lost mental acuity because of his injuries, so there wasn't anything to keep him for being involved in running the organization.

A bit embarrassed that I'd gotten that impression.


New member
I was too young to really know anything about the Brady bill back then, regardless, my condolences to the family. May they find peace in the wake of his passing.

While I certainly did not agree with his political views, especially on gun control, he was still a person who had people who he cared for and they cared for him.

As others have said, based off some of the research I've done, I doubt the anti gun crowd will lose any real steam. Sadly, if anything, they'll march over and around his grave, spouting their respective cause out to the world, using his passing to try and further fuel their agenda. How tragic and terribly sad.


New member
His passing will have zero effect on them as Technosavant pointed out.

That said, and most importantly, rest in peace Mr. Brady.


New member
RIP Bear. He spoke for Reagan, took a bullet for him, everything else is a footnote now in my book.
May he rest in peace. What can you say? Dumb anti-science, anti-civil-rights gun-haters will carry on regardless. Unlike Frank Lautenberg, I take no joy in his death.


New member
Correct me if I'm wrong, misinformed or something similar. As memory serves, the late Mr. Brady, my he rest in peace, was at one time, something of a gun collector, or interested in firearms.


New member
While I think Technosavant is likely correct, the point that Sarah Brady was the driving force could be relevant at least to the Brady Campaign group. As has also been pointed out they've already withdrawn from the forefront of the issue. Mr Brady's passing may just tire her out that much more. If so, it would have little effect on the overall issue. To be honest, I'm surprised Bloomberg hasn't already absorbed Brady before Moms Demand.


New member
I, too, was sorry to hear of his passing.

On a related note, and not to read too much into it, in reporting his passing, Brian Williams of NBC news stated that (paraphrasing) Brady's shooting lead to the Brady Campaign's founding to bring a focus on "gun safety" legislation.

Is it a different gun control tactic forming in the media? Soften the wording for their "common sense" legislation efforts?


New member
According to the WA Post, Mr Brady's death has been ruled a homicide as a result of his gunshot injury in 1981.

That's not politics---is it?