Brady campaign guest list...any surprises?

simonov jr

New member
Brady Tribute
Honorary Chairs

President William
Jefferson Clinton
and Senator Hillary
Rodham Clinton
President and
Mrs. Ronald Reagan
President and
Mrs. Jimmy Carter
President and
Mrs. Gerald Ford

Brady Tribute
Honorary Hosts

Dr. Maya Angelou
William Baldwin
Herb Block
Beau Bridges
James Brolin
Steve Buscemi
Billy Crystal
Bill D'Elia
Michael Douglas
Dule Hill
Joe Lockhart
Mike McCurry
Natalie Merchant
Dee Dee Myers
Paul Newman
Rosie O'Donnell
Sarah Jessica Parker
Mandy Patinkin
Gregory Peck
Rob Reiner
Hilary Rosen
Tim Roth
Coretta Scott King
Jerry Seinfeld
Martin Sheen
Barbra Streisand
Jerry ter Horst
James Whitmore
Joanne Woodward
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Sen. Barbara Boxer
Sen. Christopher Dodd
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Sen. Tom Harkin
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
Sen. Carl Levin
Sen. Jack Reed
Sen. Charles Schumer

Rep. Ben Cardin
Rep. Michael Castle
Rep. Steny Hoyer
Rep. Patrick Kennedy
Rep. John Lewis
Rep. Nita Lowey
Rep. Carolyn Maloney
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy
Rep. Jim McDermott
Rep. Patsy Mink
Rep. Joe Moakley
Rep. Constance Morella
Rep. Richard Neal
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Rep. Bobby Rush
Rep. Loretta Sanchez
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Rep. Hilda Solis
Rep. Pete Stark
Rep. Ellen Tauscher
Rep. Robert Wexler

Didn't expect Seinfeld myself...and of COURSE that whore Morella is there!


Moderator Emeritus
Didn't expect Seinfeld???

He donated $10,000 to HCI in 1999!

Rosie only donated $5,000.

My disgust for Hollyweird celebrities is surpassed only by my disgust for lawyers. :barf:


New member
if any of those VIPs were there the press would have shown up

there was no media there

we checked in on the party several times

very low attendance