BPS 10 Advice


New member
I picked this up reasonable years ago & its been my companion since, it does see alot of use during turkey & geese seasons, but staring at someone else's name engraved into it has been nagging me for years besides making it worthless for resale.

Any suggestions on a good reliable place to have another engraving or overlay put over the name? Browning couldnt suggest anyone.

the name is very small even though it looks large in the picture


James K

Member In Memoriam
One good way is to get a gunsmith or a good man with a milling machine to mill out a shallow area (radiused rectangle will work fine) covering the engraving, then have a gunsmith or jeweler make and fit a silver plate in the area. You can have the milled area undercut to hold the plate or glue it in with one of the new super glues. The plate can be blank or have your own name/initials on it.

(Just hope Elmer Fudd doesn't get hold of it!)



New member
:) Was waiting for the "change your name reply" didnt think about Elmer Fudd LOL

any suggestions on a shop that is qualified (wont make a mess)

i havent googled it yet was hoping some folks here could suggest a reputable shop.


New member
Michael Collins is the name of the artist. Removing his name might reduce the value of the gun. If it doesn't matter, take the receiver to an engraver and have him do some florentine over the name. Florentine is what they call those little hatching lines that are in the picture already for shading and detail.


New member
:) OH wow you have made my day :)

The dealer I bought it from told me the guy who bought it new must have had it done & so I left it at that, never giving it a second thought it could be the artists name..

Thank you, that was the best news I have had in quite awhile :)


New member
That whole thing looks like it's been roll engraved rather than a proper cut engraved .Replacing the name wouldn't reduce the value in my opinion.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Thank you Scorch. I didn't know that about the name being that of the artist. We live and learn.
