BP Novum... (your review)


New member
I used your product (Blue Wonder) on 2 guns... a heavily used, not often cleaned High-Standard Double-Nine .22 revolver, and my daily carry piece, a Beretta Mini-Cougar 8040F .40 S&W...

results - one VERY clean .22... (I'd say, spotless)

and one ALMOST spotless Beretta... (a slight bit of copper fowling left, I am giving it a second soak as we speak...)

toxicity (sp) test - dab placed on arm a half hour ago... dot now dry, VERY minor itching under Blue Wonder spot... (almost nothing)

I am also testing Firepower's free sample as we speak... results on that in a different thread...


New member
works well... and I'll be purchasing more soon... one comment... this stuff STINKS... weird smell... but it works!

Chief Jones

New member

I've had similar results on the guns I've cleaned with Blue Wonder. One thing I do to make it thicker is to put it in the fridge for an hour or so before using it....works for me.

Works really well on black powder firearms, BTW.



New member
I like it but

A big opaque plastic squeeze tube is about the worst package I can think of for it.

Hey, BP, there's a reason no other gun cleaner comes in such a package. I much prefer the small clear bottle with dropper, like a small size shooter's choice or FP-10.



New member
Thanks for the feedback!

Hey Hemi, glad to hear it worked for you with minimal reaction on your skin. Sorry about the smell, but that relates to part of what make it work so well. We are working on it however!

Chief, you picked up on a tip we give out from time to time. Chilling the gel does indeed make it thicker. We also suggest shaking it well before using it.

The next generation of the cleaner will be slightly thicker on its own. We have also re-designed the tube to make it a thicker plastic with a smaller opening. Both of these things should reduce spillage and waste.

Ledbetter, I appreciate your feedback as well. We talked to a lot of people prior to selecting a tube format. One thing people have told us consistantly is they like the tube because it is easy to carry around and they don't have to worry about knocking a bottle over and spilling it. I guess we can't please everyone with the design but the feedback has been good. In the future will will have some other products that will be packaged differently. Thanks for your note.


New member
To elaborate

I used Blue Wonder on a sixty-year-old 03A3 barrel that I have been trying to get the copper out of by repeated use of ammoniated cleaners. Two consecutive cleanings with Blue Wonder got it so clean that even soaking with Shooter's Choice Copper Remover only produced a slight trace of blue.

This barrel is now far cleaner than it has been since I have owned it.

You should bottle that stuff :D


New member
I am with Ledbetter on this... a bottled version... (then, instead of dripping on the carpet, I can just dip the brush in a half inch or so...

other than the package, it is great... (I can even ignore the smell... just want a better package!)


New member
Thanks for the feedback!

We do appreciate it.

We have heard some tips from other users I would like to pass on. They recommend squirting a little into a small bowel, cup or saucer and then dipping or rolling the brush in this. This lets you get a good application to stick to the brush. It also keeps the remaining cleaner from being contaminated when you dip your brush in it. This should make the remaining balance of your cleaner work better for you the next time.

I think you will like the next generation better. It will be a thicker tube, have a smaller whole and the gel will be thicker. We will also take another look at the bottle issue. or maybe a snap cap for the tube.

Working on packaging now for Blue Wonder Pro-TEX. More info on that later. :cool: