BP Firearms shipping (in to MI) - am I missing something?


New member
Please excuse the post but it does refer to BP firearms.

I've been looking at a number of different sites/suppliers as I look at the possibility of purchasing one of the Traditions Crockett Rifles - .32 cal. = obviously to come up with the best price I can. What has surprised me is that on a number of the sites, they state that they cannot ship to Michigan? Huh?

Why? Am I missing something or has something changed in regards to MI and shipping BP firearms in to the state?

I thought that BP firearms were not considered "firearms" but rather "antiques" - regardless of if they are original or reproductions. I haven't purchased a BP on line or from out of state (other than private purchase) for a number of years but I never had a problem before with ordering them from out of state and having them shipped.

I can go to Bass Pro Shop or Cabelas and purchase the Crockett Rifle - I need no permit or purchase license - so why are these sites restricting sales and shipping in to Michigan? The only restriction that I know of in this state is in regards to a required purchase permit (issued by the local police agency) in order to purchase a modern cartridge handgun. Of course any modern handgun/longgun has the usual FFL paperwork as well. I can go in to any store and purchase a BP pistol/rifle/shotgun with no problems at all.

Cheaper Than Dirt was one of the sites and there were several others as well. What gives? Can someone set me straight on this? Has something changed in regards to mail order out of state purchases for BP handguns/rifles/etc.?



New member
I'm not sure about the model you're interested in but some muzzle loaders can be used with smokeless powder barrels and are classified differently than true black powder/sub guns. An example would be the TC Encore.


New member
Michigan is right next to Canada.
Some of their gun restrictions must have rubbed off.
Actually, if memory serves, Michigan does have some nasty laws about handguns.


New member
The model I'm looking at is the Traditions .32 "Crockett Rifle" - BP only - a front stuffer.

I heard back from one supplier who really wasn't sure if they could ship to MI or not - asked me to find "some one in authority" that they could ask. They said they didn't know if there was a "tax" to ship to MI or not.

I can see to NY, NJ, CA but as far as I know, I have never heard of a restriction on shipping a BP firearm to the state of MI - regardless of how close we are to Canada. :D

We have to comply with FFL the same as any state. We are also required to get a "purchase permit" on a modern handgun (cartridge) . . but BP?

Hopefully someone can answer this as I can't see or find any restriction.



New member
I live in MA. Midway and Cabelas (and some others) will not ship brand new, unfired, unprimed brass...plain BRASS...to MA, claiming its because of the MA laws. I checked into it and it's not the state's laws, it's just company policy.
Track of the Wolf will ship the brass to me.


New member
There are no restrictions against shipping bp firearms to Michigan. However, several years ago there were some misunderstandings of Michigan's (at the time) registration requirements, and some sutlers proscribed shipments to Michigan as a result. Those registration requirements have since been clarified and greatly reduced. However, some sutlers are still operating under ancient and no longer applicable rules. Good luck getting them to change.

And as long as I'm at it, why anyone would even consider trading with an outfit like Cheaper Than Dirt is beyond me.


New member
mykeal - thanks for the info - appreciate it.

I wasn't planning on doing anything with CTD. :eek: LOL I had an experience with them several years back - fortunately an inexpensive purchase - and that soured me on them like so many others. I was just "cruising" the results of my search and in looking at their posting for it, there was a spot to check to see if they would ship to my/your/any area. The results were negative. I had run across this on a couple of earlier sites that I looked at as well - thus I mentioned them.

Maybe it's just me, but I would think that companies/sutlers or whatever who put up sites and sell products such as firearms - whether it be modern or BP would be "up" on what is and isn't allowed. I know it's a lot of work to keep up to date but they are in the business of selling those products and to "keep afloat", need to know. I was in business for over 40 years and it was my job to know the rules and regulations as pertaining to my business and products - that's why it's called "business". I can guarantee you that "ignorance of the law/s is no excuse". But then on the other hand, there are lots of folks in business who shouldn't be. And, with the way things are going with our Govt. regulations, I'm sure that many are scared of liability, etc. Sad when our govt. who should be promoting business and personal endeavor and ambition do nothing but hinder it. :mad:


New member

mykeal is correct - I had the same experience with Cabela's vs my state, regarding a C&B revolver.

Cabela's refused, so I had to buy the same revolver (also online) from Bass Pro for $10 more - Why I refuse to buy anything from Cabela's since.

I won't deal with companies that anal retentive.



New member
Well, the problem with some dealers not shipping BP guns in to Michigan ended up being a mute point. I posted a Want To Buy on another BP related forum and to my surprise, had a response within a couple of hours. We worked out a "horse trade" so what I had that he wanted is on the way to him and the Crockett Rifle he was willing to part with will be on its way to me. Used but in very nice shape - he's happy, I'm happy and "common sense" once again prevails! :D:rolleyes: It's always a pleasure dealing with the nice folks in this hobby . . . ;)