Boycotts and Rewards!


New member
While reading a thread here concerning the S&W boycott, someone suggested boycotting Massachussetts. I think that is a marvelous idea!

If we as Sportsmen and Shooters organize and boycott the Commonwealth and all its goods, services, and products, I believe we can make a huge impact.

I already boycott Hallmark, K-Mart, and several other companies due to their anti-firearm stance. I also let them know every so often that I am still boycotting and encouraging others to do the same.

I try to be pro-active with my dollars by shopping Wal-Mart and other outlets that are firearm friendly. I make a point of thanking Wal-Mart and other retailers for supporting gun rights!

I believe that if we are proactive in boycotting and rewarding we can make a huge difference. It requires discipline and forethought to be able to effectively boycott and reward. We must be very concious of what we are purchasing. Our dollars vote loud, and we should use them to best effect.

Whatever effort one makes on the part of the 2nd Amendment is important!

What do you folks think? Are we doing enough with our dollars to effect change? What more can we be doing? How?


New member
Education of ourselves.......then spread the accurate word. Fence sitters and even some few antis can be made to see the light. Tis a never ending task to preserve our Republic without bloodshed.

Phone calls, snail mail, and face to face to the limits of our time and money.



Staff Alumnus
Some business entities have genuine idealogical motivation. I believe most are essential apolitical, and just follow fiscal returns.

"Vote with your dollars."

There is always more that can be done. I, like many, will not buy current S&W products. I also will buy Ruger last, because of political choices in Ruger's recent past.

Find political candidates that are willing to listen to what you have to say, and stand behind them. I plan on writing Mr. Bush in the next week, and pledging my continual support if he continues to make positive choices for our freedom. I suggest others do likewise, then make pro-freedom choices the new 800-lb gorilla on the block. We cannot just maintain the status quo. We must swim upstream NOW, if we hope to regain our lost rights.


Whenever possible, I boycott states that are anti-freedom. When I have to drive through places like Illinois, I fill my tank before entering the state and gas up as soon as I am clear of it. Unless I am hauling a lot of stuff, I can usually make it without stopping to spend my money in the middle.