Boycotting S&W? READ THIS!!!

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New member
Although the statements on the Shot Show report are true, Smith & Wesson is refusing to publicly acknowledge that they made a mistake and make amends with the gun buying public. Very arrogant!


New member
I'll run right down and buy a Smith & Wesson when I see a Smith & Wesson ad proclaiming the HUD Agreement null & void. I will not be swayed by unofficial stories and outsider's opinions. Jeff isn't one to make things up, but I don't know about the guy he spoke with.

Mal H

Molly, do you know who wrote that report? There is no attribution on the link or on the home page. If there is truth to the report, it is good news. I'm not sure I buy the bit about why they can't shout it to the world, though. Is the author implying the anti-lawyers don't have a clue as to what went down between S&W and Ashcroft? I don't think so!

Also, since you are relatively new to TFL, you probably didn't know that all S&W boycott threads belong in either General Discussion or Legal and Political. Since the theme in the report has a lot of legal contnet, look for it in L&P.

After seeing blades67's post after I posted (we were posting at the same time), I realized that it is Jeff OTMG's report! Duh!

Since this thread is specifically about the "agreement", I'll still transfer it to L&P instead of closing it as a duplicate of his reports.
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