

New member
Can someone please explain to me the obsession with having the box the handgun came in? After a couple of moves, the boxes got chucked, and I got nice holders instead. Now they're in the safe. These are all shooters, and I don't pretend they're new. I've even seen listings on eBay for just the box. I'm perplexed.


New member
For me, mine is a combo carrying case (Springfield XD padded case, foam cut out to fit pistol, magazines, holster, mag holders, and reloading tool), so it just makes it easy. Seeing as we have 2 XDs (45Tactical and 40Service), I took out the accessory portion of my Tactical's case and inserted the pistol section from the Service now I have a cheap, lockable 2 pistol case that has custom fit foam to secure the weapons and magazines. I toss that case into an old leather carry on bag that contains ammo, targets, safety equipment, and misc things and head to the range...quick, simple, and easy.


New member
As somewhat of a collector myself, its a real plus to aquire a fine pistol in its original box, say a 70 Series or earlier Colt. I've seen boxes for older Colt Aces go for $700 plus so there is a market for them. It works for S&W also.

I think it's like when you see a car at an auction like Barnett's and the thing is all stock, cherry, and has all the right stickers, papers, owners manual. Its kind of an attention to detail stuff I guess

Take a Colt or an old Winchester to a gun show by itself and you will get a good price for it, now take that same firearm with it's original box and you will get a great price for it.


WORD I LIKE BOXES TOO > I USE FEDEX boxes all the time to store stuff in its free. But then again, if you want to sell stuff, its nice having OEM


New member
Like anything else "collectible" having the original box it came in provides a little more "history" for the gun. And it represents a complete picture of how the gun looked when brand new.

If you see a gun at a shop or gun show that is in excellent shape that includes the original box, papers and other contents, you're more likely to perceive it as newer or a better buy than the just the gun by itself.


New member
As a dealer in Winchester commemoratives, i can guarantee that the original box and papers will add significant value to the sale....


New member
Best to keep em

I guarantee that your used gun will have more appeal if it is in the original box and with the paperwork and accessories. Unless the gun is trashed or worn out. And if it is an antique, that might not matter. Most mfr boxes are fine for long term storage if kept in a dry place and closed. They are meant to set on a dealers shelf for months, maybe even years with the original packing, so they are just as good as anything else in normal condx. Not that I do that, but I save boxes. My neighbor got a new Rem. shotgun and took the box and packaging out to the curb immediately. Besides advertising he had a gun, I told him if he had extra attic space, he should save the box for whenever he wanted to sell or trade it in. He did. Plus you don't have to drag around your case at the gunshow after you sell it! Buyer will want something to put it in, not just banging around in the trunk. Yes, boxes are $money$ even if they mean nothing to you. Save em. I lost the box and papers for my cheap Raven from 1982. But in a sale, set two identical cheap Ravens out, one with the box, one with nothing, and see which sells first. I can't understand someone who goes to trade in a gun just months after buying it, minus the box, paperwork, extra mag, accessories, etc. cause they were too lazy to dig them out. They lose money on trade in that way.


New member
It makes no difference to me...I take good care of my weapons but I am not THAT anal!

But I keep least for a while...just in case I am selling

Except the Glock Tupperware boxes

I had to purge a bunch of them:eek:

Since you mentioned it...I will add the box to the Kimber I have for sale:D


New member
Gun Boxes

With collector guns, you will be seeing price add-ons if the orginal box goes with the gun. Representative boxes will be somewhat less important, but certainly a plus if you are selling a collector gun. It is already happening in Blue Book pricing.

I think people are stripping the boxes from the guns these days as there seems to be a rather vibrant market for them. Honestly speaking, if I have a collector gun for sale and the box does not match, I will not include the box without a premium paid on the gun just as if they bought it on ebay or where ever. I'll just sell it separately if necessary.

There are folks that are just collecting gun boxes now. People collect literature, catalogs etc. Why not boxes?
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New member
If I were buying a used gun, I'd pay more for one with the original manual and packaging compared to another in the same condition without. It just seems better cared for that way. For the same reason, I keep the box and manual for my guns for when I will sell them.


New member
If I were buying a used gun, I'd pay more for one with the original manual and packaging compared to another in the same condition without. It just seems better cared for that way.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Most of the time onwers hang onto the original box, the gun itself is in better condition than the ones that the owners don't hang onto the box.

Kinda like buying a car/truck with a maint. record kinda thing,.

Smokey Joe

New member
Why the durn box????

Skeeter--You're a shooter, not a collector. So you buy guns to shoot, and the packaging is just that--packing material, nothing more.

You don't buy guns to resell, either. You buy a gun for You, Yourself, to Use. Who cares a hoot about what the next buyer of your gun is going to feel?

Frankly I'm the same way. If I were a dedicated collector, I'd spend all my time feeling sorry for myself about all the fishing lures I bought as a kid--and promptly threw the box away and took the lures fishing! Phooey! When I was a kid, I was into fishing, not collecting stupid boxes!

Seems as if some people think the packing material is more valuable than whatever was in it. Well, if it turns 'em on, and they have the disposable $$, why not indulge their fancy? It's no more harmful than, say, obsessing about golf.

But it Sure Ain't My Cup Of Tea!!!!!!!
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New member
If I were a dedicated collector, I'd spend all my time feeling sorry for myself about all the fishing lures I bought as a kid--and promptly threw the box away and took the lures fishing! Phooey!

Ain't that the truth. I wish I had a dime for every fishing lure that I snagged on a log and lost.

All of my firearms were meant to be shot, not looked at. I've been fortunate enough to get some nice firearms, and all have gone up in value, box or no box. I have the original papers for most of them in the safe, but the boxes came and went.


New member
I suspect if you pay $1200 for a Python, you would prefer to have the box. If you buy a $200 Charter Arms revolver, you may not care if you have the box.

Different strokes for different folks. Makes the world go around.


New member
I'm a buyer/user/keeper. The factory box goes in the trash once I'm sure everything is in proper working order/won't be needed any longer. I keep purchase receipts and any records regarding work performed on a particular gun, but that's it. I can understand collectors though, wanting boxes, PW, etc. since it would kind of help paint a larger picture of the guns history and give it some historical perspective. As someone above me said though, it just ain't my personal cup of tea.


New member
Look at it this a general rule if you toss all the boxes out you've probably thrown away 10%-to-100% of the guns value. That's a lot of money to put out with the trash. What some consider rubbish I consider an asset.

Saved every box of each new gun I've purchased....what they would bring on ebay could buy 3-4 nice guns, but I'll continue to hang onto them.

Have a couple of rifles whose boxes would fetch four figures.....(heehee) you guys keep thowing them away, just makes mine worth more.