"Bowling for Columbine"........Michael M.


New member
I did a search and don't think it was posted yet........but here is the Trailer for "Bowling for Columbine." I beyond hate Michael Moore.

You need Windows Media Player to view.....

Bowling for Columbine


New member
Last I heard he's having a very hard time finding US distributors. It's not that the left-wing Sillywood crowd is now pro-gun. It's more that the whole gun crisis is seen as passe in this country, esp. after 9/11.

Outside the USA, however, the crowds at Cannes and Toronto have been loving it. It's not so much the guns, but the way Moore makes us all look like looney cowboys. The French loved it, of course. So did the Canadians. I say we let Moore stay in France for good.


New member
The "Blasting into theaters this fall..." at the end is very appropriate. This thing is going to blast right on through and out of them too. Not even Rosie O'donnell would pay to watch this trash.
I read a review in our local leftist rag, the LEO... it was sooooo rife with inconsistancies I actually tore the review out of the paper and brought it back to send a reply.



New member
His target audience is shrinking

Moore is a guy that is still stuck in the '80's, railing against corporate greed and the horrible, unfair capitalist system. Of course he's cashing in for millions while he's doing it, the overfed pseudo-populist hypocrite.

Hey Michael, how about donating all the proceeds from your last few films to as fund for the victims of any disease, or even gun violence, hmmm?

The market for anti-capitalist drivel is drying up over in the USA. France will love anything that paints Amercia in a bad light and the Canadians are always looking for anything that reinforces their socialist choices and Moore is the prototypical socialist/Marxist. You can expect his latest crap, Columbine, to open in a very few "art" houses in major cities. That way he can qualify for an academy award for documentary or short subject and Hollywood can reward his anti gun, anti American sentiments.

Michael Moore, and his films and TV programs, are sinking under the lack of interest. He's old news and we can expect increasingly ourageous and inflammatory messages from him as he flails about for media attention.

Geez, you'd almost think I don't really like or respect the guy, wouldn't you?

Don P.


New member
The market for anti-capitalist drivel is drying up over in the USA.


I'm not sure that I agree with this assessment. Considering the scandals with Enron, WorldCom, et al.


New member
I will not even click on that link for fear of my computer vomiting zeros and ones all over me.

God, I hate that guy. :barf:


New member
Michael Moore's influence on America is zilch. He's overstayed his welcome.

SK: "Michael Moore. What a dick."

Please find another description for him. ;)

Malone LaVeigh

New member
The market for anti-capitalist drivel is drying up over in the USA.

Michael Moore's influence on America is zilch.

Maybe that's why his book has been on the NYT best seller list for 7 months. This, despite the fact that the NYT and the rest of the "liberal media" won't even give it a review.

I don't like his position on guns, and haven't seen "Bowling for Columbine." But I'm glad he's out there raising hell about the war and reminding us what a john thomas the pretzeldent is.