Bowl Games got me thinking.

Stephen Ewing

New member
As I watched the Sanford Independence Bowl, and thought about the Weiser Lock Copper Bowl, Tostito's Fiesta Bowl, and then considered the Blockbuster Bowl, and the Bowl, a thought passed through my demented little mind:

How about the Winchester Independence Bowl? The Remington Bowl? The InsertGunNameHere Bowl? I know these things are expensive, but if my local furniture shop can pull one off, I figure it has to be easily within the range of an industry giant.

Maybe I'm just tired of being marginalized, but I'm not a marketing genius, so.....what's wrong with this idea that it hasn't been done?


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
My guess is that even if you could convince some of the bowl boards that naming themselves after gun companies wouldn't ruin their images permanently (and take them "out of the mainstream") Winchester and Remington might actually be too small to be able to afford such a thing. Ruger, maybe, or possibly Glock.

I don't know this, of course, just conjecture, but remember when we were talking about why Smith and Wesson thought the lawsuits were such a threat and someone ran down the actual size and assets of gun companies? It's a very small industry.

MP Freeman

New member
What would the BATF Bowl look like?

Maybe one team is always on the defensive and the offense burns children?

Or maybe the rules are actually unknown and the sponser just makes them up?

Any thoughts?


Fast Eagle

New member
I always wanted to see the two last place teams meet up and play a bowl game.

We could call it the Toilet Bowl...:D

Fast Eagle


New member
Quoth FastEagle;

I always wanted to see the two last place teams meet up and play a bowl game.

We could call it the Toilet Bowl...

End Quoth;

And have it sponsored by the "Tidi Bowl" people?

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Hey, back to the topic for a moment, it occurred to me yesterday that a few gun companies aren't actually direct competitors with each other. Winchester or Remington, for instance, can't really be said to be competing with Glock or Taurus, can they? Winchester and Remington don't manufacture handguns anymore anyway (except single-shot hunters and silhouette guns, which Glock doesn't make) and Glock doesn't make rifles or shotguns.

Would it be possible to bring these companies together just enough to co-sponsor a bowl game or some other public spectacle? Would they consider it? Would they gain from it, or lose?


New member
Am I the only one who can imagine the jokes that would come out of this?

In honor of Remington's hosting of the Bullet Bowl all teams must shout "Pull" before kicking the ball.

For the safety of the team, the game will NOT be hosted in Texas.

"I'll tell ya Ted, the teams uniforms just look incredible. I've never seen anything so shiny. That kevlar is just amazing."

"Ya know they say that the new football design offers more aerodynamics, but I just don't know if the boattail pigskin will catch on"

Another new rule in the Bunker Bowl is that the only legal play is the "shotgun."

I could go on for days.