Bought my first semi-auto


New member
I have had two nice revolvers left to me by my grandfather, a S&W Model 28 and a Colt Python. when i shoot them I'm always afraid of messing them up (more so the Python), so i was looking for a beater pistol to plink with and now have to worry about it. at a recent gun show i came across the PA-63 and figures it would do nicely, and at $150 i wouldn't mind it getting tossed around a bit. shoots well, and the recoil isn't as bad as all the stories i read made it seem, and I'm very happy with it.


any one know the meaning of the serial numbers? the one on the magazine and the gun match. its rather low (700's) relative the the spare (9,000's) , and i was wondering if i could find out the year of production or if they even have significance. oh, and what are the meanings of the symbols stamped in the frame?

Lawyer Daggit

New member
Cingratulations ! I love Makarov's, although being an Aussie I will probably never get to own one.

Can you tell us more- how does it shoot, any problems, what accessories came with it.


New member
its not a true Markov, its a Walther PPK clone (though the guy selling them didn't want to hear any of THAT, as far as he was concerned it was a Markov :rolleyes: ) that's a little bigger to shoot the larger round. it came with 2 mags, a manual, a cleaning rod, and a cheap trigger lock. it shot decently, grouping something like 5" at 10-15 yard when i took my time. the sights are kinda small, but not too bad. it weighs a little over a pound, so the recoil is pretty sharp, but its tolerable. not a single malfunction through 200 rounds, though the magazine with the mismatched serial number needed some hammering and filing to slide in and out smoothly. it had a dent that pushed outward that made for a tight fit. overall it was well worth the $150. sorry your government wont let you have anything fun. :p