Bought a Seecamp


New member
I've got a new one. Get on the Seecamp forum, and you will learn a lot. Follow directions EXACTLY. Read the manual. The gun is different. When it is not completely assembled, do NOT pull the trigger or you will damage the gun.
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I usually practice with mine in a point-and-shoot fashion or from the hip. It can be pretty accurate just lining up the top of the pistol on target.

As for lube, I use whatever I happen to be using at the time and it does quite well.

I would recommend a band-aid on your index finger for extended firings. It absorbs a bit of the punishment.


Seecamp technique:

1. Put loaded gun in right back pocket
2. Put target holder 3 feet in front of you
3 Staple paper plate head high on target holder
4. Face target hands at side
5. Say 'O sir please don't hurt me I'll give you my wallert"
6. Begin rotating body so that left shoulder is at 10-11 oclock of target while piteously blubbering "please dont hurt me"
7. Simultaneously, reach hand in back pocket (keep blubbering), draw swiftly and jab Seecamp at paperplate whilst pulling trigger and shouting "HERES MY F****** WALLET" Pull trigger to empty as fast as you can.
8. Put down gun. Shake hand to releive pain. repeat excersize

WildihaveotherdrillstooAlaska TM


32 ACP -- I have the NAA Guardian, "the same, only different."

If you have to "aim" one of these, you're too far away. General tactic is to empty the mag at point blank and then run like hell.

Silvertips seem the preferred ammo, Marshall & Sanow, etc.

I have a tube of "gun grease" -- so old the label is gone. It's the viscosity and color of petroleum jelly, maybe a bit stiffer. Seems to work fine.

For the NAA there's an outfit which will "dehorn" the gun and remove the sights. I don't see much point in either one. The sights aren't going to snag on anything, and there are no sharp edges. Seecamp is even nicer.

I had the KelTec P-32. Fugly is about right. I couldn't get past the tactile effect, and it seemed more like a squirt gun than a firearm. Nonetheless it IS locked breech an more capacity.

But the NAA and SeeCamp look like guns.


New member
I have an LWS32. Beautifully manufactured little handgun. I was totally in to Double Action Derringers a while back. Owned American Derringer DA .38SPL, .357mag, 2 High Standard .22WMR. I would choose the Seecamp LWS32 over any of them; primarily because of capacity, secondly because of reputed reliablity. It is tiny and when I am really concerned about "printing" (Doctor's Appt, etc.), I carry my Seecamp.
I actually Every Day Carry a Kahr PM9, though. More "boom boom", and I can hit MUCH better with it. And it is an easy Pocket Carry, most often in a DeSantis Nemesis


New member
Seecamp technique:

1. Put loaded gun in right back pocket
2. Put target holder 3 feet in front of you
3 Staple paper plate head high on target holder
4. Face target hands at side
5. Say 'O sir please don't hurt me I'll give you my wallert"
6. Begin rotating body so that left shoulder is at 10-11 oclock of target while piteously blubbering "please dont hurt me"
7. Simultaneously, reach hand in back pocket (keep blubbering), draw swiftly and jab Seecamp at paperplate whilst pulling trigger and shouting "HERES MY F****** WALLET" Pull trigger to empty as fast as you can.
8. Put down gun. Shake hand to releive pain. repeat excersize

Exactly what I think a pocket gun is for. Too many people think they ought to be good for gunfights across the parking lot.


New member
The near-mythical pocketgun of steel nerds...

By all means join the Seecamp forum

Do you just square up the slide for your "sight"-picture or just point-shoot or what?

If you want to "aim" use the top of the side of the slide, otherwise just point and shoot. You'll find you can make hits pretty easily.

Do any of you mouseblasters have any tips for a n00b?

If you want to carry it, invest in a good holster. The tiny gun will move around in a pocket if loose. It's safer too. There are several holster makers that contribute to the Seecamp forum. I suggest you "shop" there.

Make a take-down tool. 3/32 brass rod works well. I embedded rod in a small block of wood for ease of use.

Lube sparingly. This isn't a gun you shoot extensively. Whatever your favorite lube is will work fine.

Ammo...many debates over ammo. The key factor is how long is the ammo. Read the recommendations on the web site. Many brands will work just fine. I use Gold Dots or Silver Tips with no problems in decades. Rule of thumb; if it fits the magazine, it will work.


Before you ever take the magazine apart, read the reassembly instructions. The mags are works of art IMHO.

I picked it up and it was all over.

Yeah, me too. It can bite you though, practice the grip.
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New member
I've had a Seecamp .32 for about 12 years now, bought it slightly used.
Happened to be standing at a gunstore counter when some guy came in looking to sell it. It's a well made little weapon. Can be painful to shoot after a few rounds but it certainly fits the bill for what is was designed for, a last ditch five feet away deterrent. It has a nice feeling of quality to it. Every conceivable question about it has been asked and is posted on the Seecamp website.

The Great Mahoo

New member
I was at a gunshow a while back and saw 3 vendors with a Seacamp. I am still kicking myself for not picking one up; they are hard to come by around here. I looked at the last 2 gunshows I went to, but none were to be had. With the next one coming up in January, just before the inaguration, I highly doubt there will be many sitting around waiting for MY money....

I've been considering an NAA Guardian instead, but have still been holding out.

Oh, and I loved the instructions there, WildAlaska. :D


Got mine in the late 80's when they first came out for $500. NIB. I have to say my Kel-Tec .32 had replaced my Seecamp. Much lighter which off sets the size. The Seecamp is a work of art in my opinion. Plastic grips and all.


New member

Seecamp has it's dedicated forum at

This is an excellent place to find out anything you have an interest in knowing about the Seecamp pistol.

Larry Seecamp has a section entitled "Ask Larry Seecamp", and should you desire to you can direct any questions or concerns directly to the owner of Seecamp at that location.

There are several sub-sections, and two in particular I think you will find interesting would be the "ammunition" and "holster" sections.. Ammo is always a hot topic and that's a great place to find out about what "is" and what "is not" recommended.

At the Seecamp forum we are fortunate to have several top quality custom holster makers who specialize in the Seecamp pistol and you will have no trouble finding the style and design that will suit you.

I think you will find the Seecamp forum more of a forum extended family than you might be accustomed to on some other forums (no offense intended to the Firing Line family, of which obviously I'm a happy member :)).

FWIW both the LWS32 of my wife and myself thrive on Speer Gold Dots, but the newer Seecamps will accept ANY brand of standard length hp's, although the guns can be ammo sensitive to one brand or another. The secret is to find out what your particular Seecamp likes and stick with it. Having said that, it's the nature of gun "nuts" to constantly be searching for the newest, baddest self defense round, and you'll be able to read the reports of those folks on the forum who keeping trying the new stuff for the rest us. :eek:

I think you'll be very happy with your new Seecamp. My wife and I each have one LWS32, and the personalized LWS380 I placed an order for 16 months ago is due any time..

Best Wishes,


P.S. Here's a photo of my rear pocket (wallet style) holster made for me by one of the Seecamp forum members, and very popular holstermaker, R.J. Hedley.

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New member
When it is not completely assembled, do NOT pull the trigger or you will damage the gun

I missed this the first time around.

B. Lahey, This is not completely accurate and I wanted to clear it up. When you go to re-assemble the slide to the frame you are in fact instructed to pull the trigger a bit in order to allow the slide to move to the rear.

Dis-assembly and assembly can be frustrating enough with a Seecamp. Just follow the directions in the manual. There is a very good pictoral on the Seecamp forum on how to take one down completely.