bought a new rifle yesterday


New member
I will be fondling a new 77/22 in stainless (the all weather version) by next Sunday (gotta wait 10 days in cali). It has a 20 inch barrel and I'm considering having the local smith shorten it to 16.5". I've read this is the optimal length for the 22LR. What do you guys think? Yea or nay? I will be using optics only so sight radius does not concern me.


New member
riggins_83 + 1
I would be more apt to agree with you if you had an existing barrel length in excess of 20". I'm sure there is more documentation out there on what the optimum length might be but I don't see you having a problem at this time. I would refer you to the NRA "Fact Book, 3rd. edition, page 200, under .22 barrel lengths. Basically it states that a .22 will develope it's max. velocity at in a barel lenght of 20" or less. However, they don't list how much less. Might want to think about installing a Timney trigger that will cost you less.

I fully understand that this is your new pet and you are free to do whatever you wish. As Riggins posted; take it our and shoot it and at least you can use this as a base line to see where you might want to go. ... JMHO ..... :eek:

Be Safe !!!


New member
Nay-I see no advantage in shortening your barrel. If it's of a concern, you will severely reduce any resale value of your Ruger if alter the length of the stock barrel.


New member
Sounds like you are excited, and you should be a new toy is always awesome.

I would leave the barrel length at 20" on this one and if you want one that is shorter go to a pawn shop buy another rifle and chop the barrel on that one. This way you are not taking the chance of ruining a perfectly good fine shooting rifle.

Pat T

New member
+1 on Pahoo's advice - spend the money on a trigger job or replacement and enjoy. It balances very nicely with the factory length barrel. They WILL shoot nice tight groups when you find it's favorite brand of ammo. Let us know how you like it!
