Bought a GSG5 today...


New member
Still don't have because NICS delayed the transfer (as they so did with my WASR 10) but I can't wait to shoot it.
Anybody know what the best ammo is for it?


New member
I've had one about 6 months, like it more every time I shoot (my teen age sons and their friends absolutely love it). I use every High velocity long rifle round laying around and its swallowed them all. I haven't experience a single failure of any kind after well more than 1000 rounds. You'll love it, enjoy.


New member
Nice to hear good things about them. I was a little uneasy about shelling out 500 for a .22, but I've heard its really fun and I know my shooting buddies will love it.


I was a little uneasy about shelling out 500 for a .22, but I've heard its really fun and I know my shooting buddies will love it.

Indeed, you're basically overpaying $200-$250 for "cool factor", but they're just that cool!

One of these days I'd like to get one.


New member
Wait until you see the accessories... folding stocks, pistol grip forends. Do yourself a favor and do a search on Amazon under their Outdoor category. You'll find MUCH better prices for accessories than you could find on gunbroker.


New member
They cost $500 for the gun but its the accessories that will kill your wallet :)

I have a Form-1 in for my PK version so i can SBR it with folding stock and front grip, have a Form-4 going in this week for a suppressor for it, laser sight thingy with all the rd dot, laser levels etc, flashlight, magazine clips that hold two mags together, replaced all the screws with better ones, got a new sling.....

Have spent WAY more then i spent on the stupid gun in the first place but its just SO MUCH FUN to shoot. It's a toy in one way, gimmicky in another but i have actually used it with possums etc to great effect.


New member
I just have to do this

I read a shotgun news article about this gun, they go into pretty deep detail.

Seams like a great gun, alot of Fun. you COULD even get accessories for it. I know I would really enjoy shooting something like that.

But honestly, for me... it still has a 16" barrel. It's not a short sub machine gun, like the design would have you believe.

There are compact 10/22's out there with perfectly reliable 25 round magazines available. they are 16" and will do everything a GSG5 could ever do. Physically.
I could find other ways to spend $500+ on a semi auto .22lr that would satisfy me more.
And then again... This GSG5 is just one of those guns, that no matter how much you say it's dumb... it will always be fun to shoot.

I wish one of my friends would buy one, ...................... because I know I never will


New member
the gsg certainly is a fun 22lr. in answering your question, i bought my father one, and the thing has ran the best (flawlessly actually) with the federal .22 ammo that you can (or should i say could) buy at walmart in a 550 round value pack. It had some hitches early on when i was using other ammo, but after we put a couple hundred downrange, the problems have truelly become far and in between, and like i said, no problems what so ever with the federal.


New member
The gun itself is a very fun little gun to shoot. I used it on rabbits and fox up here with great results. I would warn you to be very cautious when disassembling/assembling it for cleaning. (Yes, these things like to be 'clean', at least mine did.) The hardware (screws, nuts, etc) are really soft. You need to be extra careful to avoid over-tightening or you'll either strip the head or break the screw. I replaced all my hardware with stainless stuff.

As far as cleaning the bolt, when you have the gun fully disassembled (read the instructions in the manual, they'll run you through it step-by-step) pull the bolt out, unscrew the recoil spring guide rods (this will help you move the bolt without having to hold it in place), and give the whole thing two or three good washings with carburetor cleaner. Then attack it with a nylon brush. Then wash it with the carb cleaner again. Repeat until clean. The powder residue will build up in between the bolt and the housing and you'll be able to feel the grit in there when you first pull the bolt back. It'll feel like you're dragging the bolt against sandpaper.

As far as the entire receiver body goes, remove the optics rail from the top of the receiver (if so equipped), remove the rear sight post, the magazine release, forearm, and mock suppressor and you'll be able to seperate the two sides of the receiver from each other for a good carb cleaner washing and nylon brushing. There are a few small parts on the inside, so be careful to remember what they are and where they go. This also allows you to remove the barrel and scrub around the outside of the feed ramp and chamber (it gets really dirty right there). Putting it back together is a real pain in the rear, but be patient and be careful, it'll all go back.

I actually sold all of my .22lr rifles and pistols, I was tired of sub-par .22 ammo getting worse and worse. But I remember most everything about disassembly and reassembly, so if you have any questions, give me a shout.

They are fun, but the maintenance can be a pain the first few times you do a full, all-out cleaning. (I did it about every other trip to the range, about 1k rounds, or once a month in my monthly Preventative Maintenance System)

Good luck.


New member
Yes, in fact I do... Blame it on the job... Although it's technically Planned Maintenance System according to the higher-ups... I almost posted just PMS in my original post, but then I remembered that I wasn't on a CG forum and you guys would rip me to shreds over it...:D:p:D

But to answer your question: Yes, I have monthly PMS.:p For which the only cure is lots of lead painkillers going downrange...


New member
I have 2 and they are a load of fun to shoot. Especially for the kids. They like to compete and the guns make them both look like experts. They can easily go through a brick in a single outing. They like them so much I ordered 2 of the AK47 versions, although I haven't received them yet. Very well made.


New member
If you're talking bulk, mine runs best on Remington GBs. I've had far too many underloaded Federals from the brown box. Haven't yet tried the blue, though I hear good things about them. And, of course there'$ alway$ CCI Mini-Mag$.

Put a cheap red dot on it and it will really wake it up.


New member
Any suggestions as far as what red dot scope?
The reviews I've seen on Amazon for mounts seem consistently negatory, perhaps I should expand my search...
Where could one get better screws for the rifle?


New member
Have to pull a card for that PMS? Did that on a Naval ship back in the day, I knew what you were talking about...

At least someone did... :rolleyes::D

Finally picked it up today! It handles nicely, can't wait to give it a spin!

Congrats, I think you'll be pleased...