'bou and bear load


New member
I am going to Canada at the end of the month.

Any suggestions on a load for a bear out of a 270?

I am handy with 130 grain BT's, but I wonder if that is appropriate.

The primary hunt is for caribou... but you can kill them with harsh language.

Black bear @ 200 yards. Any recipe's?


The primary hunt is for caribou... but you can kill them with harsh language.

really? How many have you killed with harsh language?

PS..if you cant kill a black bear with a 130 grain 270, you aint hittin him in the right place



New member
I'd go for the heavier 150 gr . Harsh language ? I though you just said 'please fall down '!! ;)


New member

Wild If you step outside wal mart in anchorage...you'll recognize the buildings Alaska

I suppose that I could kill a black bear with a 22 pistol if I hit him in the right spot, but Wildidon'tthinkthatistheappropriatenorethicalthingtodo.IfurthermorethinkthatthatgivesushuntersabadnamewhenwepracticesuchjuvenilebehaviorAlaska.

However, thanks for the reply.

Anyone else have a thought on a combo load?


Hey if your gonna string together words at least try to make sense.... :)

But I guess the gist of it is that you dont think a 130 is adequate for black bear.

if so, why are you even asking the question?



New member
Yeah, I'm sure that if I stab a yak in the right spot it will die.

If I am not mistakin', this is the reloading forum...

Any thoughts on 150 gr winchester CT's....?

my gun is a rem 700, ADL.

Any pet loads?