Boston response: Bowling for Columbine


New member
This was in today's Boston Sunday Herald. In the movie section, viewers were asked to comment on Bowling for Columbine. Their comments were as follows:

An important and necessary film that should be required viewing for everyone"...
"Makes you think about how stupid the sale of guns is and how stupid it is to buy one" and "The NRA is crazy. I amost said they should be shot."

This film obviously does a great job at showing one side of the story. It's a shame they didn't feel it was necessary to discuss the OTHER side of the issue. They clearly give no credit to responsible gun owners and seem to enjoy blaming us for the criminal acts of others. :mad: I wonder why there's never been a film to give gun owners a voice? :eek: :confused:

Fred Hansen

New member
What would be the point of a Boston paper saying anything else? The people in Boston still vote 99% Demorat=Anti-RKBA anyway, including many of the members on this board. Will the last person to leave Boston please flush. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
I often chuckle when I see bumper stickers proclaiming "Free Tibet". It seems to me that Massachusettes, California, and new Jersey are in need of being free. Wasn't Mass. one of the birthplaces of the revolution? I guess those folks moved away generations ago and pansies moved in to take their places.


New member
Some people actually believe the the term "documentary" means the piece espouses some unassailable truth promulgated for the edification and benefit of all. When in fact a "documentary" of whatever stripe is merely an editorial, a film maker's foray into his preconceived opinions on a given subject. Kinda like hiring a statistician whose initial question to his client is always, "OK, what is it you want to prove?" It is interesting to note that directly after the events of 9/11, Michael Moore was seriously considering pulling the plug on his project. He even is quoted as saying words to the effect that 9/11 is an example of the worst mass murder in modern history and not a single shot was fired. And how could his film be relevant now. Guess a little time and the profit motive won out. This so called "film" is little more than milk in the saucer of the anti-gun cat. Nothing more and nothing less.


New member
I know people on these gun forums get heated about Massachusetts and Democrats, but let's have a reality check folks. Before you continue to talk about this state like it's your personal punching bag, consider this. Not all Democrats are anti-guns and not all Republicans, like our newly elected Governer Mitt Romney, are pro-guns. Mitt is FOR gun control and wants to ban assault rifles. Remember, he's the Republican. So nothing is as black and white in Massachusetts as you people are inclined to believe. Moreover, the viewers of this film though from Boston, reflect a lot of views of other people who've seen this film and praise it: California, New York, Virginia, Arizona, Chicago, Colorado, Maryland, etc. You don't believe me? Pick up a paper or go online to check out what people are saying. I'm from Massachusetts, a registered Independent and I haven't noticed any loosening of the gun laws under Republicans William Weld, Jane Swift and now Mitt. A little objectivity please. :rolleyes: In ten years of Republican leadership, there's never been any pro-gun support, and I for one don't expect much for Romney in the coming years -- except taxes. :eek: I vote for candidates that are pro-guns, but they're hard to find no matter which party your talking about. Not to step on anyone's toes here but I notice a lot of people rant about this state and know very little about our political environment. Democrat or Republican doesn't hold much weight here. :cool:


New member
The New York Times has come out against guns? Shocking.:rolleyes:

Makes me wonder how the War for Independence is taught out there. Wonder if any field trips to Lexington or Concord are taken?


New member
I saw this movie.

No, I didn't pay to see it either, I got a screener copy.

1) movie was horribly long and boring (this is not a gun owner skewed view, I actually enjoyed Roger and Me).

2) The movie has no focus - one point were talking about gun nuts like the McVeigh brothers, next we talking about some
poor no father family, where the mom has to ride some bus for 3 hours to go to work everyday, then on to some other odd ball subject with no relation to guns. I think Mike Moore has developed ADD.

3) This was more of a general liberal piece that just babbled about all the liberal issues and wrapped some gun talk into it.

4) He makes some points, however, very weak - it's a deal where if you hated guns before, then you can identify them, if you didn't or were middle of the road, there isn't one compelling arguement throughout it.

It's more about whats wrong with Americans then whats wrong with guns.


Ought Six

New member
I haven't seen this movie, but I understand that in one segment, Moore brow-beats Charlton Heston nearly to the point of breakdown. To abuse and exploit and Alzheimer's victim to further your agenda is despicable. And yet, the 'sensitive, caring' liberals haven't called him on this. Hypocrisy on parade.

Brian D.

New member

May I politely suggest that your area is long overdue for another "tea party"? This time I recommend lightly tethering the above-mentioned anti-gun politicos to the crates. Battleship anchor chain should work nicely.;) It is SO hard for me to imagine your area as the place where we first started the practice of"throwing the bums out" that established our great nation. Keep fighting for legislative reform but keep your "indian" costume ready to go!:D Oh, almost forgot, why do I always think of Michael Moore as the obese kid we grew up with whose mom blamed all the trouble on "overactive glands" all the while stuffing him like a hog to "show her love"?:barf: And probably "protected" him from all his schoolmates because "he was BETTER than all of them", wouldn't let him out of the house to play (EXERCISE)

Fred Hansen

New member
Not to step on anyone's toes here but I notice a lot of people rant about this state and know very little about our political environment.
Try blowing that smoke up someone else's skirt. I was an official serf of Massachew$h*ts for 29 years. I practically have the tattoo on the inside of my forearm to prove it. Thanks to 4 years of military service I only resided there for 25 years. With the exception of family visits, I am never going back.
Democrat or Republican doesn't hold much weight here.
Only because the electorate is locked completely into voting for socialism. Socialism and gun control go hand in hand, remember, it's not about guns, it's about control.

No real Republican would ever run for office in MA. They wouldn't waste their time on such a pointless endeavor.