Boston Legal tonight (11/8/05)


New member
This was on in the background while I was catching up on my educational reading (this sight among others). Anyhow, the William Shatner character didn't want to defend a client who was admitting under priviledge that he did rape and kill a 13yr old girl.

So Shatner just pulls a Glock out of his suit case and puts two slugs in the guys knees! Then drops it when the door goes open with officers and says "he attacked me I feared for my life". I was like ***!? The let him go for whatever reason, I didn't pay that much attention to it. However, the show is just terrible anyway. A big reason I don't watch much TV.

The media is now mocking along with its continued mis-informing.

Tully Mars


New member
So you people are offended when this show, or any show, portrays any type of anti-gun sentiment, yet in the same breath when it shows the use of a gun, you are equally offended.

I did nto see the show, which I love, but I have a feeling that nothing short of Gunsmoke will make you happy.


New member
I actually like the show. I don't watch every one, but I do on occasion. I thought that one was good. The cow thing was a little over the top, though. :barf: Coulda done without that.


The fact that a gun was used in no way necessarily connotes content favorable to gun owners. Doesn't take a real genius to figure that out.

Key information: "I didn't see the show..."


New member
I personally love this show. the last one was a bit over thae top... but you have to love denny crane.. the episode before this one actully he defended the second amendment... the show is a liberal show but it is still good and as I said u have to love denny. watch the show again and u may actully like it