Boston knuckles under to Smith & Wesson

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"On April 8, following the city's decision to drop its lawsuit against other members of the firearms
industry, Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission agreed to dissolve the Consent Decree
signed on March 1, 2001, with Smith & Wesson."


New member
So does this mean that the Boston S&W agreement thing is dead?
Not only being ignored, but incapable of being resurrected?


New member
Damn them anyway! They need to pay for selling out in the first place! so does "Slick Billie" Ruger, the other traitor.


New member
The H.U.D. Agreement is still active, just not being enforced.
I thought there was a time limit and the Bush Administration was going to let it die?

Making "them" pay? Who is "them" - the name? The owners? The employees? The English owners who were in charge sold out to an American company for about $40 million less than would have otherwise been the case.

So, the only ones you are punishing now are the people who work there. And, since they just recorded a record sales month, not many others agree with you.

But in terms of RKBA, it's good news.
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