BOSS worth it?

Harry Callahan

New member
I'm definitely getting a Browning A-Bolt. Just trying to decide between .308 and 30-'06. I have a question about whether the BOSS feature is overrated? Doesn't seem to be offered on the .308 but if it is worth is I may just opt for the '06 instead. Thoughts?


You will get a lot of mixed opinions on the boss system,some like it some don't. I am in the don't camp .an Abolt in .308 will be very accurate and have light recoil as it is,and be much quieter with out the Boss. so no it is not worth it .:D

Bill T


This is my Browning A-Bolt Medallion .375 H&H with BOSS. The BOSS System is worth it, but only if your willing to spend time working with the rifle and loads to find the best possible combination. Also, if you like to shoot a lot of different bullet weights and loads in your rifle, you'll have to keep a record of the BOSS settings for each load because they will vary. The system does work very well, but as I said you have to like to handload and shoot to get the most from it. It's not for the "2 box a year" hunter. Bill T.


New member
I almost bought that .375 H&H once. I deemed it too nice to hunt with and too big to bench shoot it...
It IS a nice rifle, though!

I do have a BAR MkII w/BOSS-CR. 7mm Rem.Mag.
It is accurate and I was lucky to stumble on the 'sweet spot' for the Winchester ammo I had for it.
I'll try some different ammo and see what happens, but I'd say the BOSS is worth it simply for the ability to MAKE whatever ammo YOU want to shoot work for you.
That was the intent, I believe.

BTW, I'd go for the .30-06 so you can use the heavy bullets and Heavy Magnum type of ammo.
Good Luck!:D


It depends on what the rifle is for, and WHICH boss you're talking about. There's the..

-Non-muzzle-brake BOSS and the
-Muzzle brake BOSS

For a hunting rifle, probably neither, but if anything, the NON-muzzle-brake only, to tune your rifle to your loads, rather than having to do it the other way like most people (tuning their loads to their rifle). But you don't want the blast from the ML brake while hunting with no ears on.

On a bench rifle, yes, both (the muzzle brake BOSS), or at least the Non-ML brake BOSS, for the accuracy/tuning feature.

It's not for the "2 box a year" hunter.

So it'd be safe to say that it's also not for the 5 years per box hunter? :)


New member
I love my Boss! I did forget to write down the Boss setting for one of my factory loads which sucks b/c it was a nice setting, but no biggie I have a ballpark of where it was. I have the Muzzle Brake and the CR attachment, but haven't used the CR yet...It is very load without the CR though especially my 300 Win Mag. :).


New member
The problem with the muzzle weight tuners is that all the other variables have to stay the same. If the temperature, fouling level of the barrel changes, or ambient air temp, air pressure, humidity change, then the setting is meaningless. This doesn't include bullet weight, seating depth, powder choice on handloads, and factory loads are an unknown variable. I used to spend hours finding the right setting and the next time out it was back to square one. Now I find a load that puts the first round from a cold, clean barrel into a decent group and call it good.


New member
BOSS feature is overrated?
No it does what it was designed to do.
Is it worth it?

The only real benefit is in dialing in a different brand or bullet type and most people find the one that works best and never need to do it again...

You might use it two or three times and when you are done...
you'll still have an ugly lump on both ends of an otherwise beautiful gun. :D :D :D


New member
I bought a Winch 70 featherweight .270 f2f and had no choice but to have the boss. If you're buying the gun new and are debating if you want to pay the extra money, look at the rifles use. If its a hunting rifle its not worth anything, more of a hinderance. If you're shooting 400 yards on a bench it might help if you realy take the time to tune it in. The principal is sound but for most people, well at least me, they don't need to get that precise... I'd save your moeny and buy a nice bipod instead
my boss winchester 70 before I scoped it


New member
My BOSS stays accurate no matter how many rounds i put through the rifle is more accurate than I am, so people can't forget the human factor that comes into play with accuracy obviously. The BOSS is for those who want to get the greatest accuracy out of factory loads.


New member
Boss is great

I have six rifles with bosses three Browings and three Winchesters. I agree with Bill T you must spend time with each rifle to get the most out of each one. If you shoot factory ammo you might burn alot to get your rifle shooting well. But for a handloader there great, especially if you like to squeeze the last bit if accuracy out of your firearm. My Browning .223 shoots 1/4 inch groups. The rest of the guns with bosses shoot below 1 inch if I do my part. I would have to say if your a hunter who will shoot a couple box of ammo a year. Don't spring the extra case for a boss. But if your a true handloader (reload a couple thousand rounds a year) spring the extra cash and have fun.
I have a stainless stalker with teh BOSS in .375 H&H. I love it for the recoil reduction. i hate it for the noise increase. In .30-06' i dont really see the need. In big magnum calibers its a good idea.


Bill T

"If you reload, the BOSS is worthless. As a matter of fact, it's less-than-worthless."

And how, may I ask, did you come to this conclusion? Enlighten us please. Bill T.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I'm with Bill T. While I don't care for the BOSS on a hunting rifle, it does what it's supposed to do. Reloading is nothing more than changing ammo from Brand A commercial to Brand B homegrown. Re-tune the BOSS as you mess with the loadings, and you get the best of both worlds. Tuned ammo plus tuned barrel; after a couple or so iterations, you're golden.



New member
Ausserordeutlich said:
If you reload, the BOSS is worthless. As a matter of fact, it's less-than-worthless.
There is a lot of ignorance and misconceptions about the BOSS, and this is one example. The BOSS was primarily developed to allow owners to tune the barrel to their factory load of choice instead of searching for a factory load that groups well with the individual rifle. The BOSS does offer a substantial benefit for handloaders as well. With it you can tune for accuracy when loading for low velocity, low recoil loads for plinking at the range or high velocity, flat trajectory loads for in the field.

Another over-looked fact about the BOSS is that there are actually two versions of it that come with each rifle: the BOSS and the BOSS-CR. Too many people complain that the BOSS is just too loud, they'd never shoot one in the field, and would never recommend one because of this. Yes, it's true that the BOSS is loud. It's a muzzle brake, and it does substantially reduce recoil. No, you should not shoot it in the field without hearing protection. The problem is that many people either forget about, don't know about, or just ignore the other version of the BOSS, the BOSS-CR. The BOSS-CR (Conventional Recoil) is not a muzzle brake, but it does allow for the same tuning as the standard BOSS. Because the BOSS-CR is not a muzzle brake, there is no increase in noise. The BOSS-CR is what should be used in the field.

The BOSS (and BOSS-CR) offer a lot of useful benefits. It's up to the individual to decide if they are going to make use of them. If you do make use of it's features and benefits, then yes, the BOSS is very well worth it.


New member
The BOSS is loved by those that have it and loathed by those that dont. Some people just think that its too good to be true. The BOSS Does take some time obviously, but who doesn't enjoy shooting????? If gives you that extra excuse.

Bill T

I think there are a lot of shooters who don't even understand how the BOSS system works, what it does, what are barrel harmonics, etc. From them all you hear is, "It's ugly", "It's too loud", "It's a waste of time", "You don't need it", "My buddies friends uncles cousin had one and it made the gun shoot worse", and all the other crap. It's a specialized tool for shooters who are looking for the most accurate hunting rifle, and are willing to do their part to help achieve that. It's not a quick fix or a cure all and was never meant to be. Bill T.


New member
When I built my 243 out of a Rem700 takeoff and a Turk Mauser, I read up on the BOSS (best info without a doubt is contained in Browning's Patent - available at the USPTO site). After understanding what it was all about, I made myself one and the only complaints about that system came from the prairie dogs that got thumped at 300+yds :p FWIW ... I made the CR type, because I didn't want the extra noise. The only real down sides in my book are 1: that it adds to the length of the rifle without giving you the benefit of extra velocity that the same length of extra barrel would and 2: that they are not elegant looking ... but in my case this is WAY offset by the pride of ownership that comes from the fact that I made it myself :D



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