Bore Mops


New member
I have seen these in the cleaning section at academy and wal-mart. I never knew what they were for. Does anyone know? Please help me out if they are even useful because everytime i buy a cleaning kit they come with this mop and i just throw them away. Thanks


New member
I don't use them any longer. Every time I tried one it swelled up and was really too big for the bore. I just stick with patches and am happy with them


New member
The bore mop was for applying a coat of oil to the bore, or used dry to remove dust from a clean bore.
The bore mop seems to have been more of a shotgun "thing", and it's use in rifled barrels appears to be dying out.

One problem when using it to apply oil is, the mop gets dirty and you just transfer dirt and grit into the bore.
I guess in an extreme case, you could actually scratch the bore.