Bore diameter of 525?


New member
I am considering overboring the tubes about 0.075" on a 30-inch 525.

Before making the decision is am trying to trackdown the diameter of the original cut - can't find it on the website.

Yes, I know, I could mike it but I don't have a mike.

Does anyone know what diameter Browning cuts these bores at?


New member
I don't remember ( and I sold my 525 a few yrs ago, so I can't check it ..).

But what are you trying to accomplish / vs. the way the stock gun is now ?

The 525 I bought new / was mfg in 2002 ?? - but I think they were all 'back bored' at the factory ...
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They came overbored to begin with. (Funny how a Googe search has this thread as the third entry). I THINK....(and that's dangerous), that they came .740. I wish I could be more certain. You going for the Kolar effect?


New member
Kolar effect? Yup.

Whatever it costs its cheaper than a Kolar. The Kolar may well have been the softest shooting "straight tube" gun I ever shot. Granted I'd be giving up slightly more than a pound by toying around the my 525. Of course I am tempted to try this with the XS, which would be toying with a much more valuable'll try it with the 525 (first.)

I think the real cost will be in new chokes after the reaming.........

The Kolar was a rather portly 9+ lbs, by the way.

I'm also interested in the shot string effect. I kind of doubt that will be noticeable.

I found that thread too but was thinking it is only the last couple of years before the intro of the 625.

I will check that and get back to everyone.


New member
Its your gun - and you can certainly do whatever you want ....

but adding a Gra Coil to the 525 / or to an XS Skeet - would be a "softer shooting" solution for either gun. Maybe lengthening the forcing cones just a hair ... but I sure wouldn't open it up as you get into the screw in choke area. Remember that 9 lb weight / might be a big reason it felt so much softer too ...

If you don't like the Gra Coil - there is always the JS Air Cushion stocks, etc - and Zippy is real pleased with his "air stocks" - although I don't recall who did the work for him ...


One of my snowbird shooting friends uses a is heavy, but if you like the way it balances.......he has the regular 12 barrel and sub gauge tubes as opposed to using the carrier barrel. He adds a weight to the 12 barrel to get equal weight. Might want to try that and 2-3/4 DE 7/8 oz loads......


New member
The 525 was bored to .740. If you bore it out .075 more you will be at .815. There was a guy,I think his name was Stan Baker, who sold barrels years ago that were .800 & they did not work well. They were getting blowby the wads as the wad can not expand that much.


New member
Confirmed. The barrel dia. is indeed 0.740, or very, very close according to the mike at the local GM last night. I won't overbore given this fact. Hey, I never said every idea I have is a good idea. Thanks everyone for the info.


Add some weight if you're trying to reduce recoil - a barrel weight and an equal one in the buttstock - you could add over a pound that way. Add in soft reloads and you might need to get your triggers changed to mechanical because they'll be so soft they won't reset......


New member

I was just tryin' to think of a project that is not too expensive......being unemployed and all..........

I mean, really, when was the last time you saw anything being built.....?

Yes, I know, off topic.


New member
A project is always a good thing...

think about picking up some used pump guns / cleaning, reconditioning them, strip off finish on stock (sand or fill the nicks ) and refinish them ..... ( if you could pick up a beat up Browning BPS for under $ 200 / clean them up, sell them for $ 350 probably .... old model 12's, 870 Wingmasters would qualify as well ......

Same thing on Rem 1100's ......

Pawn shops - seem to have piles of them in inventory.
How about holding a "reloading seminar" at your local gun club or gun range - on shotshells or metallic. It won't make you much money / but it'll be fun. There is a big demand for knowledge on metallic reloading right now ... and guys can't be troubled to read and understand the differences in presses, etc ...


weights will be inexpensive - as easy as lead tape under the forend and an empty 28 gauge shell filled with shot in the butt - to the fancier barrel weight and the buttstock device Blaser uses.

Me, I'm a big fan of shooting those 1oz loads at 1145fps in my GTI - works well


New member
What I use to add weight is lead roof flashing purchased at Lowes or Home Depot, super cheap too. Worked wonders on the butt and forestocks of the Super Sport.


Yup - that's works well also - how heavy are you trying to make it? I shot a friend's Kolar - SOFT is not the word, but I felt like I needed to hit the weight room to swing it on fast targets - his gun was pushing over 9-1/2#, almost 10.

That's a tad much for me, which is why I like the Gun Clubs I found at Dick's - 1 oz at 1180 and 1-1/8 at 1145.........eeeeeeeaaaaaasssssssyyyyyy on my shoulder - I don't have that bionic stuff that BigJim has


New member
Lead flashing / or lead tape you can buy at a golf shop works ...

I've been sucessful adding about 8 oz under the forend / about 8 oz inside the stock ( to bring the 20, 28ga and .410 ) up to about 8 1/2 lbs.

I've got pretty long arms / but even with 30" barrels - much of anything over 8 1/2 lbs gets a little too heavy / unless you're looking for a Trap gun ( then I like them up around 10 lbs )..

But good news: Shoulder rebuild was 7/15 ... yesterday, I was able to handle my 12ga O/U yesterday / with my reloads 1 oz, 1225 fps for 5 rounds of Skeet ....a little soreness in the bicep today / but not bad ...( my scores sucked, a 20 avg ....but who cares)... its good to get out and shoot. On my handguns, I'm back to shooting a 1911 in .45 acp / a model 27 S&W 6" barrel in full blown .357 mag reloads ....(and my groups are acceptable ..).


Good for you Jim - just don't overdo it and rush too quickly - it'll get there

Save your shoulder - have all them grandkids reload your ammo