Border warning and deadly weapons!


New member
O.K. everyone. This is two stories in one thread. First, the wife and I were heading into downtown Buffalo (New York) and the highway we were taking has an exit for the "Peace Bridge" which is one of the major routes into Kanada from Buffalo. Driving along, I noticed a huge Billboard that said:

"Gun Owners: The Second Amendment Ends At The Border"

and in smaller print something like: "A public safety announcement brought to you by the National Rifle Association".

Just an observation...

Secondly, to show how bad it's gotten up here. We get downtown to the HSBC hockey arena to watch an indoor soccer game. During half time, I went to the concession stand to get popcorn and a drink. I ordered an Iced Tea and it came in one of those 20 oz plastic bottles. The cashier tells me that they have to remove the cap from the bottle. I ask her why. She tells me that the bottle with the cap is considered a "deadly weapon"!!! I'm incredulous at this point and laughing to myself thinking about the little .380 I'm carrying on me. I guess some idiot used a plastic bottle with the cap on it as a weapon at a hockey game and hurt someone. So no doubt, some guy who voted for Algore came up with this rule. Amazing, isn't it? I gotta get out of the north east. The stupidity is driving me crazy...


New member
I assume that they didn't give you a straw too? One of those deadly assault straws in the right hands could be leathal.

Stupid people make me sick! What's next? No butter on your popcorn since you could rub it on the floor/steps and set an ambush for the unwary?


New member
I live in WA very close to the Canadian border, I cross over several times a year, when I do I make sure my rear window on my bronco is down so the NRA emblem is not visible, and i can expect a 2 minute lecture at the border on not bringing any weapons in to their country, so far I've never been searched, I'm always very careful not to have any contraband. Meanwhile, Vancouver BC has a higher crime rate than New York and home invasions are epidemic.

Bam Bam

New member
DS, I believe the billboard is a response to the Million Mom March billboard that has been put up near the intersection of Delaware and Delevan. Near the South end of Forest Lawn cemetary. I see it on the way to work in the morning and took a picture. It would be nice to put up a reactive billboard right next to the MMM one. Maybe SCOPE, NRA, and JPFO can get together on that one...

Mike Davies

New member
suvdrvr: Vancouver, BC has a higher crime rate than NYC? You sure about that? If so, I need a bigger gun. ;)
Maybe because we sent them Messier..
In my experiences of border crossing to shoot USPSA/IPSC in the States, I have had virtually no grief going either way...I find the US border guards to be a bit awkward when I'm just going down to Custer, WA to practice; but if it's for a match, they hardly bat an eyelid.
I have NEVER had to show any documentation going either way.
Beverages, both alocoholic and non-alcoholic, have only been sold in plastic cups in Canada at sports arenas for years. OTOH...there are some American beers that should NEVER have their caps removed. :D


New member
I guess I'd bring a cap for said bottle with me and put it on the bottle in front of the clerk.

We crossed into BC from WA a few years ago. Late at night at a small crossing. Wife is driving. I say "I'll do all the talking." (She likes to get chatty with the help. Not appropriate when being questioned by customs.) We get the usual questions. I'm answering with "yes" or "no." Some question is aksed about guns. My wife looks over to me and aks "You didn't bring your handgun, did you?" I could have just about killed her! The customs agent didn't hear her. She and I had a little chat once we were safely into BC.

(No, we didn't have any guns with us.)


New member
Mr. Davies -

That was a low blow! Completely uncalled for! If you do not immediately cease this flagrant attck on the American beer making industry I shall have no option but to tie you to the nearest bar stool and pour Milwaukee's Best Light Ice Draft down your throat!

Oh wait a minute, DARN YOU! Now you have ME doing it!

I perfer domestic beer - made in my own kitchen to my own specificatoins. If none of that is available I go for Guiness, though I wouldn't refuse to drink a Moosehead if it were served in a frosty mug.

Enjoy a cold frosty after your next trip to the range!


New member
Hmpff... We should immediately cease export of Shiner to points north of the border...

At a local outdoor venue (commonly called Riotport, due to a contagious tantrum by Axl Rose a few years back...), they won't allow plastic bottles over a certain size in, because some guys discovered that (1) they have the aerodynamic characteristics of an american football, and (2) the venue security sometimes turn their backs on people. Ouch.


6 pack of Budweiser... $5

1/5 of Wild Turkey... $17

Ability to buy said items anywhere I damn well please ?...Priceless

Canadians can keep their overpriced government beer. You think they got anything on par with Shiner (or insert quality American beer here) ? Think they have anything other than ale ? Limies in training if you ask me. :mad:

Canada, hell is being sober on a Sunday. ;)


New member
I don't run with scissors! :)

But I have made numerous trips over the border. Ussually the questioning is fairly straight forward.

Although one time going from Michigan into Kanada on our way back to Buffalo, the gaurd asked us a string of questions; "where do you live", "what do you do", "do you have any pets", then "do you have any firearms with you?" Obviously fishing for people bringing firearms through. That's the only time I've ever been asked about firearms.

There's a ton-o-traffic from Western NY to Kanada and Vice Versa. Toronto's only 2 hours away, they gotta keep it moving.

I always say, Americans are better than Kanadians for the simple fact that we fought for our independence and they just sat around and waited for it. :D

(Just a joke Davies)