Boot The BATFE


New member
I was reading the Clair Wolfe article with some interest in my SWAT magazine that arrived yesterday.

seems that a Rep Gingrey introduced a bill to require the ATF to videotape all firearms tests....

Rep Sensenbrenner bottled the legislation up in committe. Why? Most police vehicles now have video devices in them.

I think the Rep Sensenbrenner needs to hear from us good folks.
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New member
If Police have video equipment in thier cars to record what happens during a stop or arrest.... for court use if neccessary. The BATFE should videotape all firearm tests so the defendant and his lawyer can use them in court.
"Should" is the operative word here.

In an era when you could be permanently barred from boarding a private airline, for the potential transgression of someone with similar sounding name, "should" no longer computes for some agencies. After all, they're "at War".


New member
Its in SWAT Magazine........

I agree Rich... maybe its time the good citizens through democracy in action make them realize that wars against the citizenry are not good ideas.

Hunter Rose

New member
but wouldn't that equate to the ATFE having some minor form of oversight? Does ANYONE here think THAT'S gonna be allowed to happen anytime soon?


New member
"In an era when you could be permanently barred from boarding a private airline, for the potential transgression of someone with similar sounding name, "should" no longer computes for some agencies. After all, they're "at War".

MINNEAPOLIS - A Marine reservist returning home after eight months in Iraq was told he couldn't board a plane to Minneapolis because his name appeared on a watch list as a possible terrorist.

Staff Sgt. Daniel Brown, who was in uniform and returning from the war Tuesday with 26 other Marine military police reservists, was delayed briefly in Los Angeles until the issue was cleared up.

The other reservists arrived at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as scheduled, but instead of immediately meeting their families, they waited on a bus for Brown.

"We don't leave anybody behind," 1st Sgt. Drew Benson said. "We start together, and we finish together."


New member
Thats not how you get in touch with a congressman/senator...You've got to drop Hundred thousand and some change with some lobbyists THEN we can get them to videotape the testing. Sheesh, didn't anyone read the smif & wesson post? That's the only way anything seems to get done anymore (you'd think that some people would get the picture and more honorable causes would just start ponying up the entrance fee and get some things done)