Boot Camp??


New member
Full Metal Jacket meets reality TV.

Has anyone seen the commercials running on Fox?
This show could be a real hoot!
Don't know if the topic is firearms related. I suppose there could be some low crawling under live MG fire ...
well, it could happen.

"That is the sound of an AK-47 assault rifle. The preferred weapon of choice of your enemy".


New member
Boot camp my Tookus

Wonder if they will have to scrub pots and Pans, clean latrines and buff floors. Do police call picking up ciggie butts with your hands. Have to memorize the general orders and pull guard duty, and work the next day without sleep.

Will they go through NBC training and the chamber? Have to qualify with a weapon and do bayonet training. Will they learn hand to hand and all the other neat stuff.

Looks like the guys have their heads shaved, I think the womyn shoud have to shave their heads also:)

When are they gonna do Ranger School:D

Geoff Ross


New member
I got in some real trouble down in Savannah once. Told a bunch of Rangers at a bar that we had Ranger school in the Corps, too, but we called it boot camp. Boy, were they upset. Bought a couple of rounds, made friends, and played nice after that. Almost paid for it in the parking lot, though.

Should be cute to watch, but make no mistake about it, they will be in boot camp in the same way that the "survivors" are "surviving".

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Boot Camp a TV show?

Great. That's not REAL Boot Camp. Real Boot Camp is having a Real DRILL SARGE (or SEVERAL!) climp up your arse for having your boots laced wrong.