Book training


New member
I'm looking for a book with dry fire and range exercises to improve marksmanship and further develop defensive skills.

Does any such thing exist?

I've asked on other boards and found nothing like what I'm looking for.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I'm assuming that when you say "range exercises", you mean live fire exercises. Until our members come up with something in print, TFL's sticky on practice drills (with thanks to Jeff22) may help you out.

As to dry fire exercises, one of my favorites is the balance-a-penny trick. Place a penny on top of the barrel as near the muzzle as you can, and dry fire until you can do so without dropping the penny. This really helps with flinch and trigger control.

Another little goodie is the pencil & paper routine. Tape a piece of paper to your wall at aim height. Place a sharp, wood pencil down the barrel eraser first (make sure it has an eraser). Take a point/aim position at the paper with the pencil point barely touching the paper and dry fire. If you're doing everything right, the pencil will leave only a dot on the paper. A short line in any direction says you're doing something wrong (usually trigger control). The direction of the line can tell you what you're doing wrong. For example, a line extending right from the dot suggests you may have too much finger in the trigger. There's a pie chart floating around TFL (and in some of the books you're looking for ;)) that can detail the error.

I know this isn't the book you're looking for, but hey, you can print this out, put a cover on it and call it one :D. Seriously, hopefully the members here can come up with some relevant material in print. Until then, I hope this helps you out.