Boneheads and gunrights

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Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Not everybody is a gunner nor should they be if their life style is such that possession or handling of a gun would be more hassle than it is worth.

I do not care that a person has a passionate belief that nobody should be allowed to have guns. I care very much when that person gets elected to office and tries to make his belief law. I cannot tell him to be a gun owner or at least be gun friendly.

He does not have the right under the constitution to deprive his constituents of their rights to own what they want or how much they can own or what they use it for as long as it harms no one. breaks no laws and is done in a safe controlled manner.

A bonehead is a group that votes that kind of politician into office then keep reelecting him under the false pretense that he is providing for our security by disarming citizens.

In Illinois it is the reason the Daley machine has had a strangle hold on Illinois politics. In Wisconsin it was the liberal elite mostly in Milwaukee and Madison Wisconsin that strangled the whole state of Wisconsin till recently. A bonehead is the hunter who has a NRA sticker on one side of his bumper and a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama sticker on the other side. They don't feel threatened because their deer rifle and pheasant gun has not been affected by the lack of CCW or by the onerous restrictions us OC people had to go through every time we got in a car and onto a public street.

In New York the initial cost of getting a gun permit is $340 and that is only to start the paperwork. I have never had a problem in New York with anybody that I met or worked with and like the people of Chicago who I lived with and worked with for over 10 years most were not irresponsible people nor were they anti-gun but to get a permit they had to get a FOID and them be politically connected to get a gun. I have known gun carriers who were an absolute menace but they were connected so unless they committed a felony and got caught with it they were safe from average Joe Blow. Most of the gun owners that I came in contact with or heard of were not connected nor were they on the right side of the law. Yet I was not a legal gun owner nor was my neighbor who was a deacon in the Catholic church.

Yet the anti-gunners kept getting voted in, not because they were particularly good at their job but because a majority of people who actually voted put them in office. The people who didn't vote because they are tired of the corrupt system and would vote conservative or moderate if they actually went to the polls sit on their couch on election day. Boneheads.

California has a lot of good people, some of my best and oldest friends live in California yet unless they want to jump through all the petty hoops they are unarmed. Not that guns are illegal but the process to get them has them restricted to a very narrow selection compared to the rest of us. I miss the Sushi bars and the state and national parks, I miss the fishing and I miss my friends but I have one gun that is registered, It was bought in California. That was before Watts and it was before Rodney King and before the mayor of San Francisco got shot by Twinkie eater. Registering my gun prevented what?

The loud Hollyweird types and the tree hugger types and the pink panty activists make all the noise, make all the head lines and get a fairly substantial majority of the votes while the good people like my friends sit home on election day. Boneheads. They hate when I say that but grudgingly admit I may be right.

Gentlemen we cannot change the system by boycotting it. If we sit at home we deserve what we get and that makes us boneheads and I don't care if you are from Wausau Wisconsin, Newark New Jersey or American Canyon California. If we don't encourage our legislators now in office to do the right thing and our non voting friends to become voters in 10 months that makes us in the same category. Making laws is tough, changing them is even harder and we have a monumental task ahead of us, we cannot afford to be complacent.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Sigh - I'm closing this as too political and touching on other issues that we don't do.

I cannot see cleaning it up or folks correcting what they see as misconceptions without starting a political flame war.

L and CR isn't for that.

My regrets.

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