Bob Stewart victim of BATF raid AGAIN!!!

Brett Bellmore

New member

Government Tyranny Update

Posted By: Bob Stewart <>
Date: 10/18/00 10:17

Yesterday the batf fraudulently confiscated more than $150,000 in kits, parts and inventory from our manufacturer, which brings the total to over $400,000 in 'paid for' assets that have been stolen at gunpoint by the illegal batf. There was no due process of law in operation here, nor was there due process of law served the first time. They are above the law, and financed by our tax dollars. The Maadi-Griffin Co. has been the target of batf aggression, but in reality, they have declared war upon Americans. The most incredible aspect of this whole event is fact that the NRA and GOA have not offered assistance in any form. Larry Pratt in my opinion is "a liar, a coward, and a fraud". I am now including sheriff Richard Mack to that list. These people, above anyone else, should stand up for the Second Amendment, when they represent organizations which take your money in the name of preserving gun-ownership rights. But to avoid a real issue, when the rubber hits the pavement, they are nothing. I call these people anti-patriots. And all of my Patriot friends agree. You may or may not, that is your decision. For the record, we have been robbed of over $400,000 in assets, we have been demonized and now they are trying to utterly destroy us. All while most of you sit around and wonder what the hell is going on. Well, it is government tyranny in action. We need your prayers, and your involvement. We will never give up, while there is breath in our bodies. The Federal case of U.S. vs. Stewart definitely WILL have an effect on your future gun rights, and the Second Amendment. IF we win, the batf will be stopped from operating illegally on private property, and they will be exposed as to what they really are. If we win,the federal court system, the Admiralty/Maritime, UCC, statutory constructs of the Federal Courts will be exposed, and defeated [forced to recognize the Constitution]. If we lose......kiss your firearms goodbye, and your freedom will be that much closer to being taken. Remember, the present administration has vowed to disarm America. To get involved: please contribute to: Bob Stewart, Defense Fund, 2813 North, 34th Place, Mesa, AZ 85213 [480-325-5624] P.S. I am only against the leadership of the NRA and the GOA, not the members, it is the leadership of those organizations which has refused to get involved. The members are mostly true patriots, and I thank all those who have helped already. May God bless you all, God bless America, land of the free!


I'd be interested in what legal basis the BATF has for THIS raid, in as much as the kits are only being sold to FFL holders!

Sic semper tyrannis!


Staff Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Larry Pratt in my opinion is "a liar, a coward, and a fraud". I am now including sheriff Richard Mack to that list.[/quote]

Hmm. Wonder what the other side of that story is.



Moderator Emeritus
You gotta hand it to the Feds, they're nothing if not persistent...

BATFman "Gimme that!"
Judge "Put it back..."
BATFman "Okay... Gimme that!"

Like watching kindergartners... with MP-5's... :(

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!


The other side of the story is the NRA and GOA (and others) only lend a hand when they think victory is assured. That is why we need local groups doing the activism. The national groups are too slow and set in their ways. Nonetheless, Bob Stewart's defense is well-funded and he has an aggressive attorney on his side.

As for the raid on Extreme Firearms, the BATF is trying to punish them for daring to buy Bob's design and donating a .50BMG which was used in a raffle to pay for his defense. And you wonder why Clinton wants another 500 BATF agents eating out our substance?



I think every NRA/GOA member should email a copy of this to them I will be and posting it to other boards maybe we can get them involved.
I wont waste my time with the NRA but as far as lobbying Im still a beleiver in GOA.
But this fella has to keep in mind Sherrif Mack is one person with lots of responsibillities and still a sherriff I beleive,GOA isnt even half a million members and is still trying to help millions of gunowners who arent their members.
If I knew that much about guns I might look into front door explosives or some basic in the room traps.
After all when have federal agents been given a legal warrant to confiscate legal firearms and parts.
-Warrant we dont need no warrant-

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shin-Tao:
Write your congressmen and senators.

One letter about the BATF specificaly
One about the second in general.


Been there, done that. They ignore our views unless we have money to give to them. DiFi, Boxer, and Campbell do NOT write people back.

The time for letters is past. It's time to MAKE them listen.


I'll contact our local GOA rep and see what the deal is.

As for Bob Stewart's slap at Richard Mack, I have met Sheriff Mack. He is a good guy. Bob Stewart is under a lot of pressure, as you know. The BATF has confiscated a quarter-million bucks of his property (in debt to creditors with no way to pay) and now they raid the company who is making the Maadi, and confiscating another couple hundred grand of stuff.

I wonder what they used as warrant fodder for that?


Brett Bellmore

New member
You don't need warrent fodder when you use the "right" judge. Though I suppose they could have sent somebody out to a pay phone to phone an anonymous tip into them; A fairly common technique, I hear.

Sic semper tyrannis!