Bob Costas is a knucklehead

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If nothing else, maybe at least there aren't that many people watching my awful Dallas Cowboys versus the awful Philly Eagles... But during halftime Bob Costas praised Fox Sports' Jason Whitlock's idiotic anti-second amendment comments regarding the Jovan Belcher murder/suicide. Idiot!

Don H

New member
What "idiotic anti-second amendment comments " were made? Not everybody watched the game. Without some more information, there's really not a lot to respond to.


New member
I just read a KC Star article by Mike Lupica. Apparently nothing bad could have happened if Jovan Belcher hadn't had a gun. It was all because of the gun and not the actions of the man.

I too am watching the Cowboys and was annoyed by Costas not to mention the Cowboys.


New member
Standby. Let me see if i can find it...

Here you go - Bob Costas during Halftime of the Dallas-Philly SNF Game:

"How many young people have to die senselessly? How many lives have to be ruined before we realize the right to bear arms doesn’t protect us from a government equipped with stealth bombers, predator drones, tanks and nuclear weapons?

Our current gun culture simply ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead.

In the coming days, Belcher’s actions will be analyzed through the lens of concussions and head injuries. Who knows? Maybe brain damage triggered his violent overreaction to a fight with his girlfriend. What I believe is, if he didn’t possess/own a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."


New member
was chatting with 4 people when he did his stupid remarks,we all just turned the game off...because he really turned us off.
did the network know or care? no
but we did.


New member
I've never seen or heard anything so irresponsible on prime time tv in my life. I wrote NBC and told them if this is their stance then NBC will not exist in my life any more. Costa used this tragedy to further a personal agenda. He is so off base that he needs to apologize on national tv, be humiliated for using a tragedy for personal recognition and then fired.
Everyone here needs to go to, scroll to the bottom, find "contact us" and tell them how upset you are. We need to join up to get this guy canned for such irresponsible journalism. I'm speechless.


New member
Everyone here needs to go to, scroll to the bottom, find "contact us" and tell them how upset you are. We need to join up to get this guy canned for such irresponsible journalism.



New member
Bob Costas comments about NFL murder suicide

Watching an NFL game tonight, I just saw Bob Costas politicize the Jovan Belcher murder and suicide. Basically, he said that if Jovan Belcher did not have a gun, he and his girlfriend would still be alive. Costas blamed the "gun culture".

Of course, Jovan would have found another way to hurt or kill his girlfriend. It's about domestic violence, not gun control. In any case, it is not his place to make comments like this during an NFL game. That's not what I want to listen to while watching football.

I sent e-mails to NBC executives, commenting that Bob Costas has certainly lowered his value to both NBC and to the tens of millions of American gun owners who vehemently disagree with his comments, and with his use of this tragedy to advance his personal agenda.

Here are some e-mail addresses if you would like to send your comments to some executives at NBC Universal:

Brian Steel
Senior Vice President, Public Relations, CNBC

Greg Hughes
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
NBC Sports Group

Adam Miller, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs

John Kelley
Senior Vice President, Pro-Social and Diversity Initiatives

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
clearly the proximity of a firearm was the only reason he went mentally unstable. It had nothing to do with deep-rooted emotional problems, countless NFL concussions.


New member
I've decided that I'm so offended that someone expressed an opinion contrary to my own that I'm going to let them know that I've chosen to be offended by their expression of their opinion.
So, Costas is a sports announcer. I don't follow football, so I had to Google it.

Frankly, I don't see any threat to us from this guy. He gets tons of money to comment on a game. Nice work if you can get it. He's using a senseless tragedy to generate material for his job, nothing more.

I've never seen or heard anything so irresponsible on prime time tv in my life.
I was active in the 1990's, when the US Attorney General was on television painting us all up as a bunch of homicidal nutjobs. I got worried about that. Costas? Nah.

Heck, I remember the PMRC hearings on music lyrics in the 1980's. Tipper Gore was doing the primetime circuit, describing in excruciating detail the deviant acts being described in songs she certainly didn't want our children to hear.

I swear, if people devoted 1% of the attention they spend on sport to politics, this country would be a better place.


New member
I found this thread searching for what others were saying about Jason Whitlock and Bob Costas' idiotic stance that the gun is to blame for Javon Belcher's murder-suicide.

I had read Jason Whitlock's article earlier today and had planned on responding on my own blog. Then when I heard Costas going off about it on national TV I couldn't hold it in any longer.

If anyone is interested you can read my response here:

Why those on the left want to demonize the tool instead of the user of the tool is beyond me. But it is sickening.
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