Bob Barr to be retired?


Returns from Georgia's runoff [due to redistricting] in a staunchly Republican district suggest that Rep. Barr has lost his race to Rep. Linder.

In the better-news department, Rep. Cynthia McKinney [arguably one of the stupidest members of Congress] is far behind her challenger in early returns.

Barr's eviction from The Swamp would be a great loss to 2nd Amendment advocates.

McKinney's loss would be a win on so many levels that it would be hard to calculate.

The Lord giveth and He taketh away...


New member
Taking a cue from another thread, what about Bob Barr for the NRA presidency?

I like Bob Barr for a number of reasons, but the two main reasons are:

1. He is staunchly pro-2nd Amendment and, indeed, pro-Constitution.

2. He was a Republican courageous enough to stand up to Bush Administration's wholesale usurpation of certain un-Constitutional powers. He sent a letter of concern to the White House about some dangerous precedents that would be set if some of the previously proposed actions were carried out. This told me that he wasn't some line-toting Republican foot-soldier, but someone who actually considers the Contitution once in a while.

If Cynthia McKinney loses, it will be good riddance and thank goodness for it too.

Having said that I was a bit disturbed by the intrusion of ethnic/religious interest group funds (both Muslim and Jewish) present in that particular campaign. It seems that any discussion of McKinney's qualification (or lack of) for the job or, conversely, that of her opponent, was submered and disappeared over the row over Muslim vs. Jewish special interest funds from outside the district.

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Bob Locke

New member
Barr and McKinney both lost. Win some, lose some.

But I like the idea of Barr for NRA president, even though I'm not a member. If he's elected to that position and gets things turned around a little, I just might join up.


New member
Barr only lost because, when the redistricting was over, he decided to move into the new 7th district, out of the new 11th district. The new 11th district contains 70% of the voters he is representing right now, and the 7th district only contains 17% of the voters he represents right now. If, like everyone begged him to do, Barr had ran in the 11th district, he would not have been ousted, and would almost have been guaranteed to be elected in November (the two Democratic frontrunners in the 11th district said they wouldn't even run if Bob Barr ran in the 11th). The reason Barr moved to the 7th district was to, if he won the primary, guarantee himself a seat for the next 10 years at least, because the area is staunchly Republican. The 11th district would have elected Barr without question now, but studies show that the demographics of the 11th are changing, and Barr's seat may have been threatened in the future.

So, Barr chose to go up against another conservative, 2nd amendment supporting Republican, simply to try and guarantee that he'd have a safer seat down the road, while abandoning the 11th district (which happens to be the district that I live in). And, IMHO, Bob Barr got what he deserved. Hopefully, he will run again in the 11th district next time around, like he should have this time.


New member
Sounds llike Barr was counting his chickens prematurely. Scheming politician? Maybe. That's two bad decisions with the other one being the ND of that pistol.

McKinney? Good riddance!


New member
I'm sorry to see Bob go from Congress. However, he should have run in the 11th district. It would have been a shame if Linder went also. One of those no win situations. Glad McKinney is toast. They should revoke her citizenship and send her to Nigeria.


New member
good news on Mckinney

Good news on McKinney, but I would suggest that we in the PRK hold the true trump card of idiocy with Maxine Waters.;)


Jim March

New member
It's just possible his leadership in the "War On (Some) Drugs" hurt him - the local Libertarians targetted him for that reason, and may have had an effect. I *like* Barr on the RKBA, but his stance on drugs is just crazy and long-term, this might turn out to be a good thing.


New member
The new 11th district contains 70% of the voters he is representing right now, and the 7th district only contains 17% of the voters he represents right now.
How certain are you that all of those 70% would have voted for Barr? Can you tell us what the make up of the new 11th District is by party lines?



New member

I have to agree. Maxine is nuts! Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas come in second on my list.


New member
As much as I admire Barr and his guts in standing up to Clinton during impeachment (something few spinelessrepublicans did) I still hold to the benefit of periodically throwing the bums out, even if it is one of the good bums.

Barr may have made a bad choice of where to run. I don't know enough about GA politics to draw a conclusion. He will return. In the meanwhile he will get an ear full for what low-life, tax paying citizens think. Not all bad in my view.


New member
I *like* Barr on the RKBA, but his stance on drugs is just crazy and long-term, this might turn out to be a good thing.

I keep wondering when the RKBA people will realize that it is the drug war that drives most of the calls for gun control. Barr gets good grades on a few items but, as you say, his stance on drugs is just crazy.