Bob Barr just mentioned the 2004 sunset of the ban

Greg Bell

New member
Bob Barr just mentioned the 2004 sunset of the ban in a debate with some loser. He jabbed his opponent for supporting a continuation of the 94' ban! Wo, what balls.


New member
I consider Barr my de facto Congressman, since I reside in Cynthia McKinney's district (Cynthia has literally harvested sugar cane with Fidel, if you want to know where she's at politically). He is a true friend of the gun owner and freedom.


New member
It may be too late now, but if he wins again, I will donate money to him from here in CA. Not only does he respect the 2nd Amendment, he respects the 4th which has been under attack quite a bit this year. My best to him.



New member
Greg, F.Y.I., I just visited my parents, and Barr's got two more votes in addition to my absentee ballot.

Here's to hoping for standard cap mags for under $100 a pop.

Jamie Young

New member
This might sound stupid but what was the 94 ban? Is that the 10rd limit thing? Does that have to be overturned or just renewed in 2004?

"Bring 'Em on.... I prefer a Straight Fight to all this sneaking around"
Han Solo


New member
Barr's a pretty good guy. I'm in the 6th district (Johnny Isakson) so I can't vote for Barr, but I have contributed to his campaign. I'm really glad to hear that he brought it up.

I don't think he's going to lose the election. He's one of the Republican's "targeted" by the Democrats for defeat this year because of his participation in the impeachment. Despite all the money the they're throwing in Kahn's direction, it doesn't look to me like he's going to win.

Barr's official campaign web site (for those who are interested) is .

JimR, you might want to consider Sunny Warren this year. She's running against Cynthia (if you didn't already know) and her web site is at . She claims to be very pro-RKBA (and even if she isn't, can it get any worse than McKinney???).

"People who say guns are bad are lucky enough never to have been in a situation where someone has kicked down your door and threatened the life of your son and your sixty-five-year-old mother."
-- Memphis, Tennessee resident Gina Cushon, quoted in Laura Ingraham's book "The Hillary Trap"

[This message has been edited by papercut (edited October 29, 2000).]


New member
I wish he was my congressman.

"Get yourself a Pistolet Makarova and lose that pricey western gadget."


New member
He is my congressman,I live in the 7th district.I bought my mini 14 at adventure outdoors the day before he was there to meet people.The guy he's running against(Roger Kahn)claims to be pro-gun and has a permit to carry.But you can't trust anybody who suuports a anti-gunner.Bob Barr is the most pro-gun person in congress as far as I'm concerned.It will be great voting for him.


New member
papercut: I saw Sunny speak at a neighborhood swim and tennis in Dunwoody earlier today. Wrote her a $50 check. She pretty well claims to be the anti-Cynthia, which plays well in these parts. She also said she had the endorsement of a lot of Black clergy in South DeKalb (35+ churches). Maybe there is hope of being represented in the House again!

Brett Bellmore

New member
SodaPop: Not a really stupid question for somebody who got involved with guns after it was law.

The '94 "assault weapons" ban did ban magazines over 10 rounds. It ALSO banned sales of about, oh, 100 guns by name, and any gun that shared certain cosmetic features, such as pistol grips, bayonet lugs, magazines which insert in the "wrong" place. In fact, it banned so many guns with one fell swoop, that if they hadn't grandfathered the ones already manufactured, the revolution would probably have started then and there.

In fact, it was so obnoxious, (and still is, of course!) that passing it was responsible for the Democrats losing control of Congress. About the only people in politics who didn't realize that, or admit it anyway, were the Republicans themselves; Breaking their promise to repeal that law was one of the very first betrayals they committed after they took control of Congress.

And, yes, it does sunset in 2004, it was barely passed, and only with that compromise.

Sic semper tyrannis!


New member
One aspect of the sunset is that it requires a report from the Attorney General to assess the impact on crime that the Brady Anit-Crime Act of 1994 had. We know what kind of report will be presented in 2004 if Gore is elected because the AG position is a presidential appointment, if fact, in theory Janet Reno could still be the AG if Gore is elected.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JimR:
papercut: I saw Sunny speak at a neighborhood swim and tennis in Dunwoody earlier today. Wrote her a $50 check. She pretty well claims to be the anti-Cynthia, which plays well in these parts. She also said she had the endorsement of a lot of Black clergy in South DeKalb (35+ churches). Maybe there is hope of being represented in the House again![/quote]

JimR, if she's getting some clergy support then she might just have a shot at it. She ran in 1998 as well, but (IIRC) only got about 40% of the vote (if even that much).

Part of the problem with that district is it's got a large Jewish presense that almost always votes Democrat (I know; I used to rent a room from a nice, if slightly neurotic, Jewish woman just north of Emory). (There're exceptions--Bush and Lazio seem to have decent, if not large, polls in that group.)

I've never met her in person, but from what I have heard (interviews, etc.) she seems like the sort of congresscritter that'll make me stop using the term "congresscritter."

Good luck in getting rid of McKinney!

"People who say guns are bad are lucky enough never to have been in a situation where someone has kicked down your door and threatened the life of your son and your sixty-five-year-old mother."
-- Memphis, Tennessee resident Gina Cushon, quoted in Laura Ingraham's book "The Hillary Trap"