Blued Slide, Carry 1911... How Often lubed to prevent rust?


New member
Well I just got a Colt "New Agent" .45 1911... and I'm wondering how often should I lube it's blueyed slide to prevent rust? If I use it as a carry gun... Does it need alot of protective lube or just a light coat?

I'm used to carrying Stainless, so wondering the best way to care for this fine blued pistol?

Thank you in advance...



New member
I would keep it wiped down with a lightly oiled rag. Or, keep it lightly wiped with RIG grease. Or give it a spray with Birchwood-Casey Sheath/Barricade and let it drip dry. The longest lasting method is probably to strip the oil off it and apply a few thin coats of Johnson's floor wax.



New member
with RIG grease

Pick up a pack of cosmetic cotton tips, the one with one end pointed...Great for applying RIG in all the recesses of your slide...Work your slide back & forth....Won't evaporate or drain like oils....:)


New member
I don't know where you are in Fla, but I would wipe it down with something after every carry session if you are near the ocean. Or perspire. I use that Eezox that they mention but I only see it for sale at gunshows here. Maybe you have a good gunshop that sells it. Maybe ask them what works best in your particular environment. I am sure the employees there must carry.


New member
Midway carries Eezox. I've got a can on the way. They're currently out of the medium size - I think that's a good sign.

michael t

New member
Well I of course oil the moving parts but I wax the blue parts. I have a New Agent and I have it waxed outside for carry. I have done this for years. Remove grips and wax the frame and slide . Johnsons works fine. Carefull about car wax many have a fine polishing compound to remove small scratches in the clear coat. Will not do blueing any good.


New member
Other products to look for are Corrosion-X for guns. This works well in humid areas near large water bodies (i.e. the southeast). Boaters are probably familiar with Corrosion-X marine products as one of the best.

Boeshield T-9 from Boeing aircraft. It's a parafin wax & solvent combination designed to displace moisture and protect against rust for months. Excellent for field use. Now available as Sears stores.

Flitz Rifle/Gun Wax - more expensive than plain Johnson's wax, it's a mix of carnuba and beeswax with no abrasives. Coating your slide & frame or barrel & cylinder will help protect against corrosion and abrasion to a lesser extent.

Boris Bush


Awesome link. I have used CLP for a long time and it has performed well. As for the militec-1. It may not work as a protectant but when I was in Iraq it performed as advertised. Since I am Infantry and depend on my weapon to perform when I am being shot at, it was nice to have a lubricant that resisted sand and dust, and very well at that. There were times I should have cleaned my weapon but it is kind of hard to stop take it apart and clean it when someone is trying to kill you. I never use it to protect but it, for this ends user, did me good in keeping my weapon killing longer between cleanings......


New member
I've read that Boeshield is harmful to bluing because it has diluted phosphoric acid. I bought some but when I read that I didn't try it. Is that true? Have you tried it on blued finishes?


New member
I wish Eezox was around when I was carrying my blued Commanders. I use it now for just about everything and all my wipe down rags are sprayed with it.

If you sweat, dont carry IWB with a leather holster and wipe down daily no matter what you use. My last blued Colt lasted almost a year in a couple of Galco Royal Guard's, but sweat soaked holsters dont dry out and once constantly wet, the rust took hold, and it took off quick. I had it hard chromed and soon switched to a Blade Tech kydex IWB. Solved the rust problem for the most part and I carried it daily for another 10 years or so.