Blued Semis, Stainless Wheelguns


New member
For some reason, I can't shake from my head the notion that a Semi should be blued, and a Wheelgun should be stainless.

Other than popular culture, and my own prejudice, is there any rational reason for this?

Mal H

Sorry, there's no good reason that I can think of. There are very fine examples of both types of handgun in both types of steel for all different uses.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's hlmcfa,

Semi-auto's should definitely be of the blued variety; while
I prefer a mixture of blue and/or stainless, when it comes
to "wheelguns". The old nickel is still fashionable with some
of the older revolver's!:cool: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
That is my personal preference as well. Blued semis, stainless revolvers.

I can't explain why, but blued revolvers look ugly to me. Stainless semi-autos look to flashy to me. Your milage may vary.

Actually, I CAN think of one practical reason for stainless revolvers. They are easier to clean lead deposits than blued revolvers. The lead-away clothes work on stainless, but can damage blued. Lead deposits are not a big issue with most semiautos, since they usually don't fire magnum rounds and the bullets don't have a cylinder gap to cross.

Blue Duck357

New member
Wow, I'm the exact opposite.

I think of stainless as more of a "hi-tech" type thing more fitting to them new fangled bottom feeding semi's ;) and blued as more of a classic look better suited to revolvers.

Got a few on the both sides I'd like to have though :)


New member
Personally, I think every handgun should be blue unless it is carried under the most adverse conditions. Then is should be hard chromed.

Of course, I have a couple stainless semiautos and a stainless revolver.

Actually, in a way, I agree with you. When I think 'revolver' I think of a S&W L or N frame in stainless with a 4" or 6" barrel. When I think 'semiauto' I think of blued or parkerized 5" 1911.


New member
Yeah, I mostly feel that way as well... A blued revolver (to me) always looks "cheap" while a stainless one just looks good.

On the other hand, a stainless semi, while not bad looking at all, just doesn't tug at my wallet either... But then again, I don't like BLUED pistols either. I want mine HK black. :)

Unless they're unavailable (like some Kahrs) all my semi's are Black, and my revolver (when I had one) was matte stainless.

Come to think of it... I just don't like blued period. It's the least durable of the firearms finishes, and never seems to look as good in a couple years as it did when you first bought it.


New member
I don't really care either way. However, if the gun is stainless or plated, I prefer a matte finish. I dislike "flashy."



New member
I like and enjoy both (even a CQB with Armor Tuff). But I will say that SS is hands down the best for ease of cleaning primarily due to the fact that one can see what one has cleaned and the durability will allow for use of not only Lead Away cloths but metal polishes if needed.


New member
I prefer parkerized pistols and matte stainless revolvers.

Love bluing, but IMO it is a fragile finish (from what I have seen).

The one thing that draws me to the blued revolvers is the quality of steel used, which I prefer over stainless. Stainless, however, provides a nice contrast to the bore ;).

Ron L

New member
I bought one of each possible combination, just to make sure. :D

My wife's gone tactical on me. She wants a new pistol. Black, just plain black. No grey, no silver, no wood, just black. What's a good husband to do? Guess I'll have to buy her one. ;)