Bloodwork--great movie...


Decent twists and turns but doesn't ever leave you feeling lost or confused.

Believable, likable characters and good plot. Moves right along with no noticeable slow spots.

Excellent SANE child/gun safety spot worked smoothly into the middle of the movie.

No obvious gun mistakes (I didn't see any at all).

Most of the time I kept a little ahead of Clint as he solved the mystery. Just enough ahead to feel good about it, but not far enough ahead to feel cheated. (I usually figure the ending out ahead of time so your experience may vary.)

The ending was nice and didn't seem rushed like many movie endigs are these days (You know, the old: "Oops, we're out of editing money and anyway the movie's supposed to open next week, how can we wrap this up fast?")

John gives this one a four bullet rating (out of five).

Go forth and view--you won't be sorry.


New member
I agree. It moved slowly, but with purpose. They didn't cheat and give away who the bad guy was early in the movie, as so many do.

Nice gun sequences. I liked it when he shot the pile of newspapers to get the slug.

Agree on the gun safety bit. Well done. Hard to find fault with it.

BTW, for those who have not seen it, he carries an 8-shot .357 Magnum S&W.


New member
Haven't seen the movie yet but the book was pretty good. I'm a little surprised that they didn't choose one of the "Bosch" series books as Connelly's first movie. The "McCaleb" series is only up to two books so far. And frankly, the "Bosch" books are better.


New member
The only gun issue I noticed was a reverse standard Hollywood mistake: The female detective fired six shots (I'm pretty sure it was six) from her S&W semi-auto and the slide locked back.

Alex Johnson

New member
The only thing I didn't like about it was when he shot the pile of newspapers, (in front of a crowd of people no less) a bit dramatic, there would have been better ways to get a bullet for testing.