Blood Pressure


New member
I got to quit coming in here and browsing. My blood pressure goes thru the roof every time I do.

Well folks it will all be over one way or another on Tuesday. Here is hoping it goes our way if it doesn't we may find out whether some of the "what would you do scenerios" will get solved.


New member
Many years ago when I was in the Air Force the phrase they used was:

"DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL....[STUFF]". All we can do is vote our conviction(s) and hope we do not have to start a war to bring the anti-gun crowd back into the Union.


New member
Nothing will be over after Tuesday. Things could be a lot worse if Gore gets elected and lots of Democraps get elected to congress. Nothing will be done though. You can bet the Million Commie Mommies, HCI, Feinstein, Gephart, etc. will be pushing their agendas more than ever. State governments, eg CA,etc., will still have their battles too. Even if GWB gets elected, more gun legislation might still get passes, lawsuits will continue, and it will be highly unlikely we get back anything that has already been taken away from us. Even if he really supports RKBA, four years from now we could be facing the same situation, maybe even worse.

If Gore gets elected, gun rights will definitely have a bigger challenge. But the president is not king. It doesn't matter if it's gun control, tax plans, SS, prescription drugs or even perverted unions, legislation is a function of congress. Gore can't sign bills that don't get sent to him by congress. So get some decent senators and reps in there and it won't matter. No matter who gets elected to congress, write to your reps concerning these things. That's why they're there.


New member
It would still be better to have Bush be the president.

Yes, it's up to congress to send him a new A/W ban - granted, the repubs USED to be against it but it's a dead end for them - pro-gunners seem to be living with it, not signing it in would just make them look bad.

Bush would sign any gun bill he gets; but he wouldn't go on TV and ask for one, no accuse repubs who didn't sign up for it of being evil.



New member
As bad as I hate to say it. I do not believe in the system any more.
When Chicago council men object to saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, because they say the last line in the Pledge is not true.
I think the down hill slide of this country is no longer revesable.
Don't bother flaming me it is a waste of your time.