Block failure


New member
Last weekend I went out to blow off some stress. About #600 - 9mm rounds from my pistols. I have a Glock 19 that I was shooting without incident for about 300-350 rounds. Then I had 2 failure to fire from what appeared to be light primer strikes. Then in my next set of mags. I started having them frequently(every other round) then the gun wouldn't Fire at all. Could hear gun click and feel it but no bang. Again all primers had VERY small strike sign. I let gun cool for about 20-30 minutes and then it started firing just like new. And previously "dud" rounds fed and fired fine. Anyone experience this or something similar? Any idea what happened and more importantly how do I prevent it from happening again?


New member
IMO LB (locking block) failure doesn't occure until at least well into the double digit K rounds for the single pin LB of older 9mm's. The later versions using two pins at the LB are said to address the issue of the slide rubbing the LB for the 40S&W.


New member
Pull the striker and clean both the channel and striker. Inspect the face of the channel where the firing pin hole is. Looks for flakes of brass...


New member
@745SW: I think the thread title is either a pun on "Glock" or a spell check correction of Glock to Block. I had the same thought on seeing the thread title in the list.

@OP: It isn't hard to strip the slide the slide and clean the striker channel. Good odds that will solve the problem, given the report of small indents on the primer.
Solid solutions from the above posters.

I would also look at the firing pin itself.

Here in Miami, one of our police departments had a bad batch and had to replace dozens of firing pins. The tip had the very point sheer off, the same results you are having now and the results they were having are identical.


New member
^ If anything this is evidence of your previous assertions about striker pistols and light strikes. I give you credit for not taking the easy shot at me about it. Maybe you're right. I personally haven't experience them, but there do seem to be a lot of posts about them lately. Maybe you're onto something.


New member
Going off subject a bit. The striker fired G17 scored highly IMO because the Austrian trials were supplied by a single ammo source and the trials did not include distorted ammo as the US trials.