BLC(2) in .30-06


New member
I typically run stick powder in .30-06 (mostly Varget or H4895), but I recently decided to give BLC(2) a try.

Instead of BOOM, I got the cli-BOOM. (Not REALLY delayed, but I noticed it. They shot well (about .8" in a 3 shot group)

175 SMK, new Winchester brass, CCI LRP, 2.345" OAL

I'm assuming I should start using Magnum LRP to light the ball powder? I use it in .308 with the same primer with no issues, but there are about 7 more grains in the '06 case than the .308 case.

Am I on the right track here, or am I missing something?
WC844 (H335), WC846 (BL-C(2)), and WC852 (H380), were originally developed for ball ammo in .223/5.56, .308/7.62, and .30-06, respectively. At the same charge weight, the H380 that is the intended for .30-06 will fill the case better because of its lower bulk density. That will help with the ignition issue you had. I don't know your charge weight, but if you were to point the muzzle up so the powder fell over the flash hole before leveling to shoot, vs dropping the muzzle down and raising it slowly on target to keep the powder over the bullet, I'll bet you see a significant difference in velocity (perhaps 100 fps), and in how flat the primers are and so on. The H380 will serve you better in this regard, having been designed for the application.

Magnum primers: absolutely. Indeed, ignition problems with the heavy deterrent coatings on the whole Western Cannon (WC) series of powders caused CCI to reformulated their magnum primers in 1989 just to better ignite these stubborn powders.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...start using Magnum LRP..." No. BLC2 doesn't need magnum primers.
2.345" OAL is way too short too. Hodgdon thinks 3.300" is good for a 175. Only ever used 3.340" with any bullet myself.
And it should be BLAM! No Sgt. Rock comics where you are? snicker.


New member
I shoot a lot of H335 in the 223 and just use CCI BR4 primers. No problems with that or with the BL-C(2). But...there's a lot more powder in that 30-06.