Blatantly OT: Two Towers Teaser Trailer.

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New member
There is a final directors cut of LOTR series as well, it's along way from release though.

Anybody who has seen LOTR Director Peter Jackson's past movie such as "Brain Dead" know's that Jackson is a serious "graphic action" [i.e. blood/gore] fan. The current LOTR series though had to be toned down to meet the R16 audience rating for maximising viewer numbers.

The directors cut should therefore be more adult.

There are rumors of a new Peter Jackson zombie type movie in the future ?

One things for sure the Jackson's Weta workshop will be busy with something soon.
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New member

I read your post 3 times, and I still don't know what in the hell you said. Maybe I need to get out more :)


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I think what he was saying was that there is a new version of Fellowship Of The Ring that has 45 minutes worth of footage that didn't make it into the theatrical release (What we saw in the theatres).

This extra footage is oft gruesome and will push the film's rating as realeased, well into the "R" Catageory.

I CANT WAIT. Watching the flick again here on the computer...

Some of the scense from Two Towers looks just awesome. All the arrows, huge armies, huge landscapes... Can't wait!
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