Blast from the past


New member
To students and enthusiasts for weapons and armaments, the name Krupp stands out as much as Mauser, Colt, Browning and others. Krupp made big, big guns, up through the end of the WWII. They still exist and it was with some surprise that I see a huge crane on a self-propelled mounting, with more accessories on a truck and a trailer. In big letters on the side was the name "KRUPP," with their three-ring emblem on the front. They haven't been in the armaments business since the war and there are no longer any of the Krupp family still alive. But nevertheless it is interesting to see that name on a piece of current heavy industrial equipment.

Mauser still exists as a company, too, though not independently. There's are Mauser stickers on our so-called training room wall, though I don't know how they came to be there. Supposedly they are part of Sig Sauer now and although we have had weapon manufacturers as clients in the past, they weren't one of them. I don't even know if there are new Mauser branded rifles available.

I wonder if John Browning has descendents.