Blaser R93 or Mauser 03 (match barrel, .308)?

Para Bellum

New member
Hi Folks,

I’m in trouble, I can’t decide between a Mauser 03 and a Blaser R93, both rifles would be in .308 and with match barrels (20mm).
I’ll buy the rifle
- for hunting (sus scrofa),
- for 300m competitions and
- for extensive practice at the 300m range.

I want the rifle to be as accurate and as safe as possible.

Arguments for the Mauser 03:
- Extremely solid action and locking mechanism,
- detachable magazine

Arguments for the Blaser R93:- shorter system,
- faster action (straight pull action),
- probably higher precision because cartdrige is not twisted into chamber.

Thoughts:I have a slight problem with the blaser, maybe totally unreasonable (help!): I once saw a pistol explode in my friend’s hand. The reason was unsafe ammo. The manufacturer recalled the entire lot. There was too little powder in the case, so the primer ignited all the powder at once which exploded instantly instead of burning “slowly”. This happens because the lesser amount of powder all lies exposed at the bottom of the case under the primer’s level, so the primer activates a much greater surface of powder at once than in a “stuffed” case. That gun however was failsafe. The incident destroyed it, but it exploded safely. I am not quite sure, what would happen with the Blaser R93 in a similar case. The Mauser seems so solid that I assume the barrel would come off before the bolt moved backwards. Is that true? What would the Blaser do?
I haven’t seen any scheme of Blaser’s R93 Locking mechanism yet, can you link one?
So Folks,
Which of the twou would you take and why?


New member
Hi Para Bellum.
Neither of these rifles are very common in the USA. However, I am sure both are very strong and capable of extreme accuracy, so it would be hard to go wrong with either one.

The Mauser 03 is a very conventional looking rifle, very high quality and very attractive. The cocking lever is an innovative way to solve the safety issue, and may work well, but I am not familiar with it personally.

My experience with Blaser rifles is very limited, and 20+ years ago with the older Blaser R84, so it is pretty dated. They look very different than a conventional sporting rifle due to the design of the action/magazine, so if appearances are an issue that would tip in favor of the Mauser 03. I am sure the Blaser rifle is plenty strong, as it is proofed to the same limits as the Mauser 03. Like the Mauser 03, the Blaser bolt locks into the barrel, so it is extremely solid.

I know none of this makes your choice any easier, just some ramblings from me.


New member
As popular as the R93s are in Germany, I could never get my self to buy a gun where a failure to lock launches the bolt straight back at you, with nothing but plastic to stop it. AFAIK they replaced the plastic guides with aluminum to catch the bolt in case of failure, but I haven't seen that version yet.

Kiwi Hunter

New member

You will probably find the Mauser less repeatable than the Blaser after takedown and assembly. Blaser goes back to ZERO and the Mauser will be near your zero. Does that matter to 300 yards - no, so its really personal taste and turnbolt vs straight pull.

The Blaser rifles I have shot have had very good balance and pointed extremely well. They are a little bit "euro / modern / plastic" unless you spend quite a few $$. The bolt coming back thing is a pretty well beaten to death "internet drama" if you fill a case with the wrong powder you are in trouble with any rifle.

Other euro takedown options = Merkel, Sauer, Steyr etc. I have the steyr (mainly because I couldnt afford an Attaché) and it is certainly a nice thing.

Good Luck!


New member
I can't comment on the mauser. I have never fired one.

I ordered a Blaser professional with a 300 winchester magnum match barrel earlier this summer. I have had it over a month and have been entirely impressed with the rifle. All factory loads have grouped under 1/2 inch and my handloads have easily grouped under 1/4 inch.

From what I have read, the Blaser failures have always been linked to massively over pressured hand loads. I am sure that any gun can turn into a hand grenade with dangerous handloading practices.

I have disassembled my rifle and removed the scope several times. It has always returned to zero the next time I go to the range. I am really surprised how well it maintains it's zero after reassembly.

Other than the price, I can't really complain about this rifle.

Para Bellum

New member
Mhmm. I also think that blaser has the edge in accuracy and practicability. But since I have seen a pic of one of the guys who had his locking mechanism blown into his face, I am kind of blocked....
Here's the link: scroll down until it says: "R93-Waffensprengung"
the problem this site reports is that if the case breaks or leaks, the R93 locking mechanism can allegedly be blown back. I don't know whether this is true, but hell, that can't happen with any rotating bolt.

The Mauser 03's locking mechanism just looks and feels very assuring:



On the other hand, the blaser feels more modern, accurate and handy......hmmmm


New member
Hello Para, i have a few R93. I personally like it a lot. It's accurate. I also like it cuz its modular system. I have a rimfire conversion kit for plinking with same trigger feel and pull. You can check out for more info.