Blaming guns.

G'day. I just saw a news article on an Australian morning news show. The article was about the Columbine school shooting, and it blamed the NRA, and firearms for gun related killings.
I have not found a link to the story yet, but if you want to suggest a story to them I have an address.


New member
Of course it was the guns' fault. Those poor boys ran in there trying to stop them. The guns just got mad and went in there and started shooting people.


New member
Hmm...where to place blame.
Two angry teenagers who planned out then committed multiple murders...
Inanimate objects and an organization designed to protect American rights...

I think I'll lay blame at the feet of the murderers!


New member
Today on the Louisville news a teenager attempted to kill his grandmother by spraying her with charcoal lighter fluid and setting it on fire while she lay helpless in bed. Clearly the fault lies with the makers of petroleum products and OPEC.:confused:

What kind of sick person would light his grandmother on fire? Same kind that walks into a school and starts killing classmates. The point seldom brought out though was the reason they started shooting. They started shooting because the two propane bombs they had planted failed to detonate, they went to plan B. Had the bombs gone off as planned there would have been many more casualties. They intented to kill one way or another. I don't see the media falling all over themselves banning the purchasing of propane by minors.


New member
Guns get blamed for every thing by the anti's in an effort to demonize them. Currently guns are getting blamed for border violence between the US and Mexcian border. Forget the fact that the violence is being caused by drug cartels, in some outlets, the fact that the violence is drug related isn't even mentioned at all. They would lead you to believe that without the availability of firearms that violence would cease to exist.


New member
I have personally known six individuals who were killed with guns, including my father, plus one more killed with a straight razor. I've never known anyone killed with a rock, baseball bat, hatpin, sword, dagger, bowie knife, cane, drunk driver, or broken bottle. But my experience is limited, though I am limiting my comments to my actual experiences, not something I read about. Be that as it may be, I expect the above is just a coincidence or a statistical fluke that should be disregarded.


Useless lies like these are EXACTLY why you should join the NRA today if you haven't already. Every time you see them bashed in public gives them more credibility as to their intentions.



New member
I always find Columbine "gun" discussions fascinating since the only reason they were shooting people was because the home-made explosives they'd hidden in the cafeteria failed to detonate.

Had things gone according to "plan" the death toll would have been up in the 400 person range.

but of course the focus is always on the guns. <sigh>.


New member
I'm of the opinion that anybody responsible (even partially) for a crime should receive a corresponding amount of the blame/punishment (prison time, fines, probation, etc). I think we can all agree that putting NRA board members in prison as a result of some murderous teenagers in CO (who obtained their firearms illegally) is punishing the wrong people.

In the Columbine situation the only one left to punish is the person who illegally bought the guns and then illegally gave them to the killers. In some situations you just have to accept that there is nobody left to put the blame on. The guilty parties are dead; they can't be punished.

I know that leaves some without closure, but that's just the way it is in this situation. You can't go searching for any party to put some blame on to give your loss closure.


New member
I know that leaves some without closure, but that's just the way it is in this situation. You can't go searching for any party to put some blame on to give your loss closure.

I once said something similar to a Va Tech "million mom". One who hadn't lost anyone there, but was just participating.

Her response to me...

"I hate you gun nuts and I wish you'd all die so the guns would go away".

Seriously. I have witnesses!


New member
"I hate you gun nuts and I wish you'd all die so the guns would go away"

What a way to foster peace. How would people dying make stuff disappear? :confused:My guns go to my daughter when I kick the bucket.


New member
"I hate you gun nuts and I wish you'd all die so the guns would go away"

Pretty sure the guns still exist after I die anyway... unless they all get cremated with me (need to turn up the heat!)