Blackhawk CQD Sling and Magpul CTR question


New member
The CQD is really designed for a submachinegun, particularly HK's. But...

Use a short length of 550 cord to attach the sling's clips to the stock and front sling adapter. It's easier and quieter than going metal hook to metal adapter.


New member
I really like the paracord on the ends, besides that its just like all other 2 point slings, is there another two point sling that might fit my needs better? i would prefer to not use a sling adapter.


New member
Okay, so after a little thought ive decide i can live without the paracord, but i would prefer for it to have latch's at each end, can i latch a sling directly to my ctr?


New member
The CTR should have a socket for a quick detach sling swivel.

A 2-point Viking Tactics sling would be a better fit, probably.