black powder, too much hassle to stock!


New member
this is what i have heard from every place i have looked, which is most every sporting goods, pawn, and gun shops within a hundred miles or so.

goex is a few hours from me, think they sell from the factory?

where do you find your black powder?
I would call the factory first rather than spend a couple of hours driving there. I mailed ordered mine years ago.


New member
As much as I dislike them, BASS PRO SHOPS carries Goex black powder, at least in Kansas City. It is $24.99 a can including extortion tax.


New member
$25.00 is a lot for BP.
As an avid traditional muzzle loading shooter for 45 years, I have seen the cost of shooting MLs go from a few cents per shot to fairly costly these days.
Yes, it is a hassle for dealers to buy and store BP. That was exactly the intent of Senator Birch Bayh's so-called 'Black Powder Relief Bill' in the late 1970s. The title was a complete lie.
I attend several organized muzzle loading shoots per year. Usually there is, at least one, wholesale dealer in attendance. At about $15 to $20 a pound, I always try to buy one or two pounds more than I estimate I'll need for the coming year. I notice those who can afford to are buying by the case.
Do look for ML shoots in your area. Just attending can be fun and will be able to buy powder and other ML goodies to whatever extent your pocketbook will allow.
Yep, 'they' are trying to kill our sport. Hang in there and keep this in mind come November elections.


New member
At $18-$20/# you'd be much better off buying from Powder inc. Their quoted prices include hazmat.
I think the last couple of pounds of black powder I bought were $12 a pound, back in 1990.

The local black powder hunting/shooting/re-enactment group did a group buy.


New member
You can get Goex for as little as $13.60 per pound delivered if you make a bulk purchase (25 pounds for $340, 50 pounds for $680) from Powder Inc.

A 5 pound lot is $21.35 per pound or $106.75 total, a 10 pound lot is $16.90 per pound or $169.00 total)

Doc Hoy

New member

I bought powder and caps, two shows in a row. At 22.00 a pound it is a little high but in the final analysis who really cares? We are all made of money anyways, Right?

Now what was that URL?...Powder Inc.? Hmmm?


New member

After signing a waiver and paying for 5# at Powder inc. I was given 2# of the older stuff free!
I wonder how much of the older stuff is sitting around in peoples closets, etc?


New member

My brother and I had a 3/4" cannon back in the 60's, paid $2 for our 1st lb of FG Dupont and later $3.50 for Goex, packed it up in 69 to go in the USAF. Dug it out in 1990 for my son and the ammo box it was in still had fuse and about 1/2lb of the antique Goex. Dropped in 50gr and some of the original fuse and it fired fine.


New member
Bass Pro = Ripoff!

Okay, maybe a lil' harsh as they are providing a service. However, their service isn't worth it to me under about most conditions. I'll probably order Diamondback next time after my 25lbs of GOEX is used up.