black powder/pyrodex shotshell blanks.


New member
i don't know if this belongs here. if not mods. please move. i am looking for how to make blanks (12 ga.). they will just be for noise, i have shotshell primers, shotshell hulls and pyrodex FFg.

so having said that
1. must i only use black powder or can i use pyrodex instead?
2. how much pyrodex can i use if i can use it?
3. the shells i have have star crimps (6 pt. and 8 pt.) is this ok?
4. do i need a paper card over the powder even though the shells have a crimp?
5. if i don't need a paper card should i use something else,if so what?
6. i only have plastic shell hulls is this ok,i'll only use them once anyways.


New member
As noted in that link, only real black powder will work.

I made some blanks one time for a club that used a black powder cannon to start boat races. It was chambered for 12 ga.

They needed a loud bang along with the associated cloud of smoke. I made them by cutting down worn out AA shells, then filling with black powder, capping with a card wad and roll crimping. They were very happy with the results!

Blanks CAN be made with smokeless powder. BUT they are very dangerous, can kill at close range. They're made by stacking a bunch of card wads on top of a large charge of fast shotgun powder. The trick is the card wads give some weight so there's resistance to get the powder to go bang.