Black Powder Magazine


New member
I was bored so I made a loading center to hold my powder, balls, and caps on shooting days. I took an old wood box and made an area to hold an old Remington tin from which you can scoop powder from when loading your BP revolver. There's a place to hold the lead balls and the caps. Here's how it turned out.





I guess it isn't really a Black Powder Magazine per se as I don't store the powder in it after the shootin' in done. I put the leftover powder back in it's original container. Also, as you can see I'm currently using Hodgdon 777 not real BP. You could pour directly from the 777 canister into your powder measure but I always overfill it and overflow powder goes to the ground. So now the plan is to scoop what I need into the powder measure while holding the powder measure above the Remington tin to catch spillage.

Was wondering what most of y'all do for holding your BP components. I know some of you use a brass flask with built-in measure. Mental note: Don't forget to close that box before pulling the trigger on your revolver!
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New member
Very nice :)

I have an old wooden shoe shine box that holds most of my BP accessaries. With all of the lead in there, the dang thing has to weigh over 30 pounds. One of these days, I'm gonna figger out how to use the dovetail jig that I bought about 10 years ago and make a *real* nice BP center.


New member
if i am not mistaken, that was originally a cigar humidor- not sure if it will still tend to hold moisture, but you might watch that.....


New member
I don't know if its an old humidor or perhaps an old jewelry box or just a wood box. I have a humidor that is designed to keep moisture in but you have to put a humidifier in it to create moisture. A humidor box could just as well be used to keep moisture out but as I pointed out originally this "powder magazine" is to be used during shooting sessions and will not be used to store gun powder for any period beyond the shooting session.

BTW, if you are wondering what the deal is with the tiger striping on the outside of the box I don't have a clue. I guess someone decided that would be a cool way to decorate it.
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